
  1. A

    I have slightly high sgpt/alt levels and took 6 mgs of klonopin?

    Do I need to worry? My sgpt/alt levels are 60 In regard to the first answer, I guess I should have included that these are prescribed by my doctor, the same one monitoring my liver function and kidney function, which is normal, aside from the spgt/alt levels and am taking them as prescribed...
  2. J

    drug klonopin mixed with alcohol is it dangerous?

    i need it answer NOW.
  3. K

    Klonopin side effects/allergic reactions?

    If I'm experiencing side effects of rashes, hives, finger swelling a lip swelling should I go to a doctor or will the effects go away on their own -or- only get worse?
  4. R

    What is the best way to get off of Klonopin and what is the maximum dose allowed by

    law? My dr. put me on Klonopin over four years ago for PTSD panic attacks. At one point I was on 16 mgs. per day. I wound up with a history of abusing it. My doctor had me down to .5 mgs. every-other-day. Something very stressful happened and I wound up bumping myself back up to 8-9 mgs. a day...