
  1. G

    Circadian rhythms control body’s response to intestinal infections

    Circadian rhythms can boost the body’s ability to fight intestinal bacterial infections, UC Irvine researchers have found. This suggests that targeted treatments may be particularly effective for pathogens such as salmonella that prompt a strong immune system response governed by circadian...
  2. T

    "Stitch-Free" Surgical 'Laser Welding' Of Tissue In Intestinal Surgery Improved

    "Stitch-Free" Surgical 'Laser Welding' Of Tissue In Intestinal Surgery Improved A new "solder" for laser welding of tissue during surgical operations has the potential to produce stronger seals and expand use of this alternative to conventional sutures and stapling in intestinal surgery...
  3. T

    Fighting Intestinal Inflammation With New Bacteria

    This protection is provided by a human protein, Elafin, which is artificially introduced into dairy produce bacteria (Lactococcus lacti and Lactobacillus casei). In time, this discovery could be useful for individuals suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease or...
  4. T

    AIDS Progression May Be Affected By Diverse Intestinal Viruses

    In monkeys and humans with AIDS, damage to the gastrointestinal tract is common, contributing to activation of the immune system, progressive immune deficiency, and ultimately advanced AIDS. How this gastric damage occurs has remained a mystery, but now researchers reporting in the Cell Press...
  5. T

    Intestinal Microbial Flora Altered By Chronic Kidney Disease

    Chronic kidney disease changes the composition of intestinal bacterial microbes that normally play a crucial role in staving off disease-causing pathogens and maintaining micronutrient balance, according to UC Irvine researchers. This profound alteration of the gut microbial population may...
  6. T

    Identification Of Genetic Mutations That Cause Intestinal Obstruction

    A research group from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Soroka University Medical Center led by Prof. Ohad Birk has discovered genetic mutations that lead to intestinal blockages in newborns from two Bedouin tribes in Israel. The new paper published in the American Journal of Human...
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    In Newborns With Cystic Fibrosis, Gene Variations Linked To Intestinal Blockage

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers working as part of the International Cystic Fibrosis Consortium have discovered several regions of the genome that may predispose cystic fibrosis (CF) patients to develop an intestinal blockage while still in the uterus. A report of this...
  8. T

    Critical Mechanism Of Neuron Death Discovered In Intestinal Inflammation Has Implicat

    Researchers from the Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI) and the Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases at the University of Calgary's Faculty of Medicine have discovered a pathway that may contribute to the symptoms related to Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, collectively known as...
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    Rotavirus Vaccine Not Linked To more Intestinal Problems In Infants

    After an evaluation of 800,000 doses of pentavalent rotavirus vaccinations in U.S. infants, researchers reported in the February 8 issue of JAMA that there is no increased risk of intussusception after vaccination, despite some previous data indicating that those infants who received the vaccine...
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    Inflammatory Cues Modulate Goblet Cell Products Important For Intestinal Barrier Func

    In a paper published in the December 2011 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine, a team of scientists at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign led by Rex Gaskins, PhD have demonstrated that both microbial and host inflammatory factors modulate sulfomucin production in a human cell...
  11. T

    Diagnostic Tool Distinguishes Intestinal Inflammation From Fibrosis, Could Aid Effici

    It's difficult for doctors to tell whether a patient with Crohn's disease has intestinal fibrosis, which requires surgery, or inflammation, which can be treated with medicine. A new imaging method might make that task easier, according to a U-M-led study. Ultrasound elasticity imaging, or UEI...
  12. B

    Some bacteria have an impact on human nutrition. What vitamin does our intestinal

    bacteria synthesize that we? a. vitamin C b. vitamin A c. vitamin B6 d. vitamin K e. vitamin D
  13. G

    Intestinal Infection - Westside Infection-Zombie Fuck-CDR-2009-CRUELTY

    Category: Music-MP3 (Death Metal) Size: 21.93 MB Files: 21 (3 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Thu September 3rd 09:34:31 UTC Download NZB
  14. S

    Weord intestinal problem, is it a worm, parasite or just some wierd sickness.?

    I know this may sound a little wierd, but one day I woke up with terrible stomach cramps, I thought it was constipation, so I took a laxative, it did not work. The next day I woke up with a fever and I had to go to the washroom to poop a lot (it was watery and almost like diarheea). Then...
  15. S

    I have reason to believe I may have intestinal parasites, but...?

    I do not have health insurance or a well paying job. Does anyone have the slightest clue how much treatment and testing might cost?
  16. H

    How Do You Get Rid Of HUMAN Intestinal Parasites?

    And ANY other worms/parasites in the human body? This, again, is for my dad... :o Please, give as much information as you can. Good websites and sources are appreciated, as well.