
  1. S

    How to use HTML5 to make apps for blackberry 10?

    I've ward that you can use HTML5 to make apps. I know Basic HTML but I've ony used it for websites, not for applications. I see how you can use languages like C,C++,... But I don't understand how you can use HTML5. Can anyone help me out? Thanks
  2. G

    Opera Software brings HTML5 apps to your TV

    Apps are coming to TVs in a huge way, and Opera Software now gives TV original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and developers the tools they need to make the Next Big Thing on TV sets.
  3. G

    Twitter's Growing Up With a Beautiful HTML5 Website For iPad [Twitter]

    So Twitter is axing the old interface on, force-upgrading everyone to the shinier version. Know what else is changing? for iPad, as Twitter adopts HTML5 and pushes out a full version of the site. No more mobile version! [TechCrunch] More »
  4. G

    Adobe releases preview of new HTML5 web motion and interaction design tool

    Adobe Edge is the latest development in the company's HTML5 and Web standards strategy which also includes commitment to innovate open source platforms like Webkit, contributing to Web frameworks like jQuery and extending existing tools like Adobe Dreamweaver and Flash.
  5. F

    How useful is HTML5 on a smartphone?

    I was comparing two phones (iPhone 4 and Blackberry Torch), and it turns out that only iPhone 4 has HTML5. So I was just wondering if I can still get a good browser experience without HTML5. Are there any major reasons why it's better to have HTML5 on a smartphone?
  6. G

    New Embedded YouTube Videos Play as Flash or HTML5 [YouTube]

    YouTube's Flash-less HTML5 video offerings keep expanding: The latest is a hybrid embedded video that'll play HTML5 or Flash video, depending what a viewer's system supports and their preference. It's still being tested, but hurray HTML5, etc. [YouTube via Cnet] More »
  7. G

    Microsoft Announces Hardware-Accelerated HTML5

    Microsoft releases first platform preview for Windows Internet Explorer 9, highlights commitments to jQuery and OData.
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    Giz Explains: Why HTML5 Isn't Going to Save the Internet [Giz Explains]

    The beardier parts of the web-o-sphere have been abuzz about HTML5, the next version of the language that powers our internet. Will it revolutionize web apps? Will it kill Flash video? Will it fix our gimpy iPads? Yes... and no. The tech press recently transformed HTML5 from a quiet...