
  1. C

    What is the average homeruns hit by a rookie in MLB?

    im doing a project on jackie robinson.. && i need help pronto! :D points rewarded! :D thanx! :::DDD
  2. S

    Baseball TRIVIA question: What MLB player (active) has the most postseason homeruns?

    Correction: Most home runs in one post season? MLB player that has had the most homeruns in 1 postseason?
  3. T

    What were you doing 12yrs ago when McGwire broke Roger Maris 61 homeruns record?

    I was sitting in my room watching the game & 12 yrs later i am doing the same watching another game..The more things change the more they stay the same.. What about you?
  4. N

    Prediction: who will hit the most homeruns next season?

    Feel free to be bold so that you after you predict correctly you can post the link to this question after the season and look like a true champion.