
  1. S

    Smoked ice a few times, had a head ache almost all day, slow heartbeat? WHY?

    READ PLEASE? During the last week and an half my husband & I smoked ice, his first time using, my first time in almost a year. We smoked once on different days, not everyday. Usually $20 worth each time.. Well.. we smoked early the previous night around 5-6pm, it is now over 24hrs later and...
  2. C

    why is my stomach jumping like is has a heartbeat?

    ok when i lie down my stomach will jump right above my bellybutton or naval ok i dont know why im not pregant ive only stuck a stuffed animal in mewhy is this doing this
  3. G

    is heartbeat repeated?

    missed heartbeat tonite is it repeated
  4. G

    Apple May Use Heartbeat, Voice, Face, and Behavior Analysis to Detect Unauthorized iP

    Apple new patent application describes methods that may enable the iPhone and iPad to "sense" the user, detecting voice prints, faces, activity patterns and even heartbeats. If unauthorized use is detected, many security measures could be activated. More »
  5. G

    The Sensational Skydrunk Heartbeat Orchestra--Grown-2009-OMA

    Category: Music-MP3 (Ska) Size: 55.39 MB Files: 19 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri September 11th 14:18:42 UTC Download NZB
  6. B

    Heartbeat during exercises?

    Hi, assuming a person is in good health, what should his/her normal heartbeat before and after engaging in exercises? How long should the normal heartbeat comes back after exercising?
  7. M

    What is a song with the sound of a heartbeat or EKG?

    My school assignment is to choreograph using the sound of a heartbeat/ekg. the dance has to be about a nurse working in a hospital, and my teacher told me to use a simple sound as my song (such as an EKG)
  8. Y

    Doc says i have heartbeat rate like old man?

    He also said my chest is little tight? I feel tired more than i should. I'm only 27 years old male. I gues i have busy stressful life. Any advice? thanks.
  9. D

    How early can a doppler pick up baby's heartbeat?

  10. A

    I used a rented doppler from one of my friends and picked up a heartbeat several...

    ...times in the 160's and 170's? but am having negative pregnancy tests. I believe I am 24 weeks..so I am confused. Any help is greatly appreciated! just wanted to add..my cycles are irregular and so having missed periods doesn't mean pregnancy to me and I also carry extra weight in my stomach...