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    Good News: Meat Growers Might Finally Have To Stop Feeding Unsafe Antibiotics To Live

    In 1977, the FDA started the paperwork to withdraw their approval for the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in livestock, because they had found that the antibiotics had not been proven safe enough for regular consumption. But then the government body never actually finished it--not because...
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    Serious question: What chemicals do herb growers put on their plants before they...

    ...sell them usually? Serious question: What chemicals do herb growers put on their plants before they sell them usually? For example, pesticides & hebicides & genetic modification is used to grow produce, then MSG & other additives are used to make the food good & give it shelf life, do most...
  3. C

    Do grass seed growers have a rye sense of humor?

    Grass seed growing is big business in Oregon. Farmers grow select kinds of grass and harvest the seeds to sell world wide. Golf courses are where much of it goes.