
  1. A

    Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer: Do Republican Women Want Government In Their Vaginas?

    In a new Funny or Die video, Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer and Andrea Savage play Republican women who want the government in their vaginas—and their mothers', daughters', and grandmothers' vaginas—instead of banks and classrooms. They urge viewers to "let the Oval Office take care of your Oval...
  2. Z

    Why did Germaine Greer take such an interest and such a major role in women's

    liberation? it's for a school assignment, i was wondering why Germaine Greer took such an interest in women's liberation (and also, why the way she went about getting the major she had in women's liberation)? was it simply just something she always believed in? or was there an event in her life...
  3. Dude

    Where can I watch Comedy Central Presents Greer Barnes on the internet or...

    ...where can I download it? Greer Barnes