
  1. G

    Robotic frogs help turn a boring mating call into a serenade

    With the help of a robotic frog, biologists at The University of Texas at Austin and Salisbury University have discovered that two wrong mating calls can make a right for female túngara frogs. The “rather bizarre” result may be evidence not of a defect in the frog brain, but of how well frogs...
  2. N

    In Pocket Frogs on iphone, the Game Center won't load, any suggestions?

    When I reached Level 21 in Pocket Frogs, the Game Center stopped loading? When I click on Game Center, it has a continual spinning and says "loading". I finally decided it was either my internet, or just taking a long time to load. So I left it going for about 4 minutes the next day, and it...
  3. K

    I am going on vacation for 8 days and am worried about my african dwarf frogs?

    My moms is gonna come feed fish flakes to my other fish. I went to the pet store and today and asked the man's opinion. he said that the frogs will eat the fish flakes that are left over. I just want to make sure that this is true, I am worried about my frogs. My mom is terrible with fish so I...
  4. A

    Why do people keep poison dart frogs?

    I know they look beautiful but they are also very poisonous. Do the people that keep this frogs even know that. I heard that one touch to a poison dart frog and you re dead.
  5. S

    Are there any poisonous toads or frogs in Africa?

    Speifically Southern and Central Africa and are they poisonous to the touch or if eaten?
  6. O

    Which stores sell hairbo gummy frogs?

    Major stores like target walmart walgreens etc
  7. S

    Can I buy African dwarf frogs at Safeway?

    Are they helthy there?
  8. N

    Watch Wisconsin Badgers vs TCU Horned Frogs NCAA Football live stream?

    Can you guide me? Where can I see this match? NCAA Football Wisconsin Badgers vs TCU Horned Frogs 4:30PM EST 01/01
  9. A

    Is this joke funny... Why do frogs eat flies coz flies flew bye?

    i told this joke to everyone and everyone thinks its not funny but wt do you think but could make it funny for put funny bits to it i be gratefull thnaks if you do people??? x
  10. P

    Do frogs eat leafs or veggies?

    My tadpole finally grew into a frog! I'm feeding him dead ants, but he doesn't seem to like them. Will he eat eventually? Since he is used to lettuce, I want him to try new things because once I let him go, there will be no lettuce! So, were I'm letting him go, there's lots of weeds. Maybe he...
  11. P

    Do frogs eat leafs or veggies?

    My tadpole finally grew into a frog! I'm feeding him dead ants, but he doesn't seem to like them. Will he eat eventually? Since he is used to lettuce, I want him to try new things because once I let him go, there will be no lettuce! So, were I'm letting him go, there's lots of weeds. Maybe he...
  12. T

    Disappearing fish--could it be my African Dwarf Frogs?

    A few months ago I was given about 18 molly fish. I have been watching the population decrease, and always keep a lookout for remains, or even just sick fish, but have seen nothing. They are down to 9 now. I also have Neon Tetras, Cherry Barbs, African Dwarf Frogs, and snails. My tank is...
  13. A

    How do you remove a red eyed tree frogs eggs from the tank they were laid in?

    Well I've been doing some research about red eyed tree frogs simply because I would like to own one myself. Although I've found out allot of information, I still have some questions. When I buy a red eyed tree frog, I plan on buying two. That way I could breed them and possibly make some money...
  14. K

    what kind of frogs scream?

    ?? wat kind of frogs can scream?
  15. D

    where can i buy african dwarf frogs?

    i live in victoria ,melbourne australia
  16. D

    Are frogs more intellegent than toads?

    I recently purchased a rare species of frog. The level of intelligence of this hopping genius has astonished me. This encouraged me to go out and buy a toad, however this turned out to be a right thick bastard! Is this the norm? Also the toad turned out to have a violent streak and assaulted the...
  17. W

    can frogs live in the same vivarium together?

    Im interested in getting frogs but don't know if they can live together
  18. H

    Will these fish be OK with a African dwarf frogs?

    i have a 10 gallon tank and would like 2 get 3-4 fancy guppies,1-2 GLOfish. would this be ok with a African dwarf frogs? i want one or two frog. i am also thinking about getting a female batta to go with them. would it b ok with those fish, i heard they can be mean. wat fish r ok with a batta?
  19. A

    Are tomato frogs easy to care for?

    How much do they eat a day? details please
  20. J

    Fear of big frogs and toads?

    I am fine with little frogs and holding them is ok. But ive always hated the thought of stepping on one. I just glanced on a video on youtube of an ENORMOUS frog or toad and It sent freaked me out i couldn't watch it help?