
  1. O

    Apps for iPad to create word files with math formulas?

    Would you give me your advices about apps for iPad which allows to create word files including formulas as we can do using windows office? Somebody told me about QuickOffice and I went to the AppStore, but I'm not sure whether it can edit formulas or not. Thanks in advance
  2. T

    Not All Infant Formulas Are Alike; Differential Effects On Weight Gain

    New findings from the Monell Center reveal that weight gain of formula-fed infants is influenced by the type of formula the infant is consuming. The findings have implications related to the infant's risk for the development of obesity, diabetes and other diseases later in life. "Events early...
  3. A

    I need some help with Nutrition formulas?

    I'm taking a college course in nutrition and my assignment is about analyzing a food label. There are questions like total fat/carbs/protein (grams) per serving and total energy (calories) from fat/carbs/protein per serving and percent of energy from each of those. I'm supposed to show math but...
  4. V

    Did God had a hard time finding formulas to create?

    Chromosome DNA · RNA Genome Heredity Mutation Nucleotide Variation Cells If so did he had assistants that helped him track down his Progress?
  5. K

    need help remembering lateral area formulas and surface ares?

    cant remember the formula for a triangular prism and cylinder. i need both surface area formula and lateral area
  6. A

    Excel- How to stop auto-refresh of cells with formulas?

    I have a very very large excel worksheet (Using Excel 2007) and with all of the formulas trying to refresh every time i press enter it is lagging down the computer and taking all of the resources (250MB of ram it was sucking up) So again, the question is how can I stop Excel 2007 from...