
  1. J

    What are some good books or dvd's on 3 point lighting for independent filmmakers?

    Need some advice on getting self educated on the use of 3 point lighting for shooting an independent horror movie. I'm obviously a novice and need tutorials that are easy and simple to follow. Any suggestions from the pros working in the industry would be greatly appreciated.
  2. G

    Expendables 2 Filmmakers Sued by Family of Stuntman Killed on Set

    The parents of stuntman Kun Liu, who was killed while working on The Expendables 2, filed a wrongful death lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court on Thursday.Producers Nu Image and...
  3. B

    How do i take the filmmakers commentary off of my shrek 2 dvd?

    It has no option to take it off and i cant figure it out and i dont want it!
  4. G

    Prototype 3D Sony EX3 Camcorder Could Be In Wealthy Filmmakers Hands Soon [Camcorders

    Engadget has the goods on what appears to be a 3D Sony prototype camcorder called the EX3. Unlike many prototypes, they believe this one could be in consumers' arsenals fairly soon. Start saving. You'll see. More » Sony - Camcorder - Video - 3dCamera - Home
  5. V

    Discuss the ways in which filmmakers use the conventions of genre to create

    dramatic meaning for the viewer.? comedy’s-Bananas, musical’s-Star Struck, social drama-Rebel without a Cause, suspense-Psycho, western-Seven Samurai, film noir-A Touch of Evil, gangster-Gangs of New York, action drama-North by North West and mystery drama-Babel.
  6. J

    Why do Hollywood film-makers always have the leading role as a white male?

    look at movies like 300, where the actors are clearly Anglo Saxon looking not Mediterranean, and they are all "perfect looking"(six packs etc) and they seem to forget that Spartans were actually mostly gay. Not only that but all the Persians looked gay, weak,( and were peoples who are...