
  1. A

    why is my bass fading?

    when i have my double din at half volume, the RCA's lose connection with the amp or something because the bass fades to a stop then i raise it one volume level up and it works then fades, i have to blast the radio so it will not fade. i have a ken-wood ddx418 double din, 2 kicker comp 15, one...
  2. L

    Good fading apps for android?

    I've seen alot of pics on instagram of a photo on a background and one of the photos is kinda faded and with writing sorry I'M bad at describing do u have an application like that or know any help?
  3. G

    Trending & Fading: Sexy Stilettos and Nerdy Glasses Are In! Here's What Else Is Hot (

    Trending & Fading: Sexy Stilettos and Nerdy Glasses Are In! Here's What Else Is Hot ( This week, we've already seen a few trends die and a couple of new ones poke their heads out of the ground...and it's not even spring! So what's hot at the moment? Put it...
  4. I

    Blackberry screen keeps fading to white?

    Hi. So this problem started about two days ago. My Blackberry (Curve, 8520) screen faded to white. I took the battery out and let it reboot. When it turned on everything was okay. The process was repeated yesterday, and this morning it happened twice (screen faded, let it reboot, phone returned...
  5. I

    Blackberry screen keeps fading to white?

    Hi. So this problem started about two days ago. My Blackberry (Curve, 8520) screen faded to white. I took the battery out and let it reboot. When it turned on everything was okay. The process was repeated yesterday, and this morning it happened twice (screen faded, let it reboot, phone returned...
  6. T

    Fading Ability To Taste Iron Raises Health Concerns For People Over Age 50

    People lose the ability to detect the taste of iron in drinking water with advancing age, raising concern that older people may be at risk for an unhealthy over-exposure to iron, Virginia Tech engineers are reporting in results they term "unique." The study appears in the American Chemical...
  7. D

    In Flames Sounds Of A Playground Fading Mediafire leak? MP3 music vers....

    ...on torrents as well? I heard In Flames new album Sounds Of A Playground Fading was seen with leaked MP3 files on mediafire.com or some torrent or something!! Cant wait for the new In Flames album so I had to ask LOL ;)!!!
  8. J

    My Lg Xenon has a fading screen?

    I've had my lg xenon for about 9 months and now it has a fading screen. The icons are blurry and the color is messed up, even the camera has a blurry camera. the screen is very flashy and i've checked the brightness but it is still the same. i cannot get a new phone since i only had a one moth...
  9. A

    The NCAA?s new stars, old stars and fading stars

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    The NCAA?s new stars, old stars and fading stars

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    The NCAA?s new stars, old stars and fading stars

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    The NCAA?s new stars, old stars and fading stars

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    The NCAA?s new stars, old stars and fading stars

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    The NCAA?s new stars, old stars and fading stars

  15. A

    The NCAA?s new stars, old stars and fading stars

  16. J

    My memory is fading and I'm only 19, what should I do?

    I am only nineteen years old and recently I have had THE morst memory. I can't seem to remember anything, whole conversations just slip my mind. It's not even just new memories, when people talk to me about the distant past (things I should remember) I really don't. Does anyone know what my...
  17. M

    Are current popular styles fading?

    Such as skinny jeans, tight shirts & long hair or emo/scene styles??
  18. J

    Sony ericsson k770i fading screen brightness?

    sometimes when im writing a text the brightness just does darker than back to light its only slight chance, wondered if its normal?