
  1. D

    Iphone 4S Camera Apps For Shutter Delay, Burst Mode And Long Exposures?

    Hi, im after a good camera app for my iphone 4s. i need the following things in the app. Shutter Delay or Self Timer, Burst Mode and Long Exposures. i dont mind if i have to buy the app or if its free. please help, most helpful answer will get max stars. thanks
  2. G

    Japan Nuclear Disaster Update 23: Exposures exposed, the hole in Reactor #1, and the

    There is a lot happening in Japan, and the situation at Fukushima remains pretty much out of human control. There is a nuclear incident at a reactor site other than Fukushima. There is still quite a bit of radioactive material leaking into the sea. The radiation levels in the crippled...
  3. T

    Health Effects Of Occupational Exposures In Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Workers

    A five-year study into the causes of deaths of workers at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) shows significantly lower death rates from all causes and cancer in general when compared to the overall United States population. This is known by occupational health researchers as the "healthy...