
  1. R

    Who else, except Dez Bryant, refused rookie duties?

    What I am asking is who refused to do rookie duties just like what Dez Bryant of the Cowboys did? Yes I know all about the fiasco that happened with Dez Bryant. I just wanted some info on other players. Thanks.
  2. T

    IRS Faces Tough New Duties Under Health Overhaul

    Kaiser Health News staff writers Phil Galewitz and Christopher Weaver, working in partnership with USA Today, explore the impact that the health care bills passed by the Senate and House will have on the IRS. The agency will be responsible for checking whether individuals get required insurance...
  3. D

    Should Desirée Rogers, White House Social Secretary be sacked for derelict of duties?

    From all of the news I 've seen, White House Social Secretary was always at work during White House government social functions unlike Ms Rogers who is always in the forefront, advertising herself. She is acting like one of the V.I.P's. She should be in the background running the function not...
  4. P

    Discuss at least three similarities and three differences in the duties of a

    medical insurance billing special? Kaylene works as a medical insurance billing specialist at a large group practice. She is considering applying for a comparable job at a 150-bed hospital nearby. How comparable is the job likely to be?
  5. K

    duties, responsibilities of reservations sales associate integrated ticket

    representative or FL on airlines? duties, responsibilities of reservations sales associate integrated ticket representative or FL? help... i need to know the duties and responsibilities of that position....
  6. M

    IRS still wants your tax money, but won't outsource collection duties

    IRS still wants your tax money, but won't outsource collection duties The Internal Revenue Service is ending it's contracts with private debt collection companies and will hire as many as 1,000 federal workers to collect delinquent taxes, the agency announced today. "I believe this work...
  7. M

    IRS still wants your tax money, but won't outsource collection duties

    IRS still wants your tax money, but won't outsource collection duties The Internal Revenue Service is ending it's contracts with private debt collection companies and will hire as many as 1,000 federal workers to collect delinquent taxes, the agency announced today. "I believe this work...
  8. B

    What duties do retail sales assistants do at clothes stores?

    Hey guys, I want to apply for a job at a retail store, however, everybody wants previous sales experience which i think is very unfair because if nobody hires you in the first place how am i supposed to gain that experience. In order to avoid this i wote down on my resume that i had worked at...