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    Intermittent Fasting Is Trendy, But Its Health Benefits Are Dubious

    Intermittent fasting is a fancy term for the practice of fasting at regular intervals.*Why would anyone choose to*regularly*forgo eating (other than because she's incapable of keeping food in the house like a responsible adult)? I attempted to get to the bottom of this. More » Intermittent...
  2. G

    What Dubious Chart Record Is Madonna's MDNA on Track to Set?

    Forget heart. Madonna would probably like fans to open their wallets.Unfortunately for the Material Girl, their failure to do so just may wind up helping Madonna set the record for the...
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    Buns of steel from toning shoes? Studies are dubious

    [No message]
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    Sony Awarded Dubious "Epic Fail" Award at Hackers' Oscars [Hacking]

    A Pwnie award was given to Sony at last week's Black Hat computer security conference's Pwnie Awards, which looks at the past year's hacking efforts and awards them with My Little Pony trophies. Sony's major security breach from earlier in the year was the only hacking incident to be nominated...
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    Dubious Image, XML Data Hint at HTC Knight for Sprint [HTC Knight]

    Over at xda-developers there's rumblings of an HTC Knight headed to Sprint. There's even a generic, somewhat doctored-looking pic, which is always perfect fodder for the ol' rumor mill. More »
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    Dubious Leak Story Comes with Very Real Motoblur Handset Running Android 2.1 [Motorol

    Ignore the story of how this leak came to be this morning and focus instead on the boxy handset. It's allegedly a brand spanking new Motorblur slider phone running Android 2.1. Also, it's a square. More »
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    Fearless Chinese Farmer Builds Dubious "Working" Helicopter Using Wood, Massive Cojon

    Fearless Chinese Farmer Builds Dubious "Working" Helicopter Using Wood, Massive Cojon When mere mortal men gaze upon the playground jungle gym, they see the unhinged tomfoolery of their youth. When Chinese farmer Wu Zhongyuan sees one he says, "I can make that fly." Updated And he did, to an...
  8. C

    Have you ever bought a dubious diet pill off the internet?

    In the ever more thin obsessed world have you ever tried a diet pill you got online? Without knowing what you were taking? I have to admit i have, and it scares me to think what i may have been taking. Shouldn't there be more regulation on places like ebay?