
  1. T

    Can you upload CAD drawings to a Garmin handheld GPS?

    My company is looking at buying a Handheld GPS and we do a lot of road works that have detailed CAD drawings. I believe these CAD drawings have GPS information. Is there a way to upload those CAD drawings to the GPS so that pre construction we can see where we are on the project?
  2. M

    Does anyone know where i will find drawings in the same style of

    different handshakes? Well me and my dad have had this little handshake thing since I was 6 years old and I'm now 20 and hes moving to austrailia next year and I wanted to engrave a glass, a 1 pint tankard with the stages of this handshake for christmas. The first stage is a normal hand shake...
  3. G

    These Beautiful Chinese Ink Drawings Are Really Amazing Photographs [Image Cache]

    I love the late Don Hong-Oai's photography. His style, the perfect composition, the texture... everything in his work fools the mind into thinking you are looking at a delicate ink illustration. Photo or drawing, they make me want to travel there. More »
  4. S

    Where could i find pictures/tech. drawings for the front end of a car.....?

    I have a 99' chrysler conchorde xl and there is alot of play up and down on the passenger tire. WE found that the play was where the rod for that tire connects to the part that turns the wheels. dont know what its called on a car with front wheel drive. but it is the part that moves back and...
  5. C

    what do you think about these fashion design drawings, rate from 1-10 ?

  6. T

    How much should I sell this book of drawings for?

    I have a book of drawings that was made in a small 4x7 inch notebook. 57 drawings, to be exact. All of Family Guy characters. It took me roughly about a month to make. I spent 5-10 minutes on each character. More for some. Only a few a day. Pretty good quality. All pictures done with...
  7. E

    Sci Fi novel ending with drawings?

    Does anyone know the title/author of a scifi novel?(shorter?) that tells the story of 2 friends (1 alien?) one of which becomes a gemstone (I think). It ends with a series of pages of pictures, 4 to a page, from which you can make connections that tell the 'end' of the story. I think time is...
  8. R

    What can i download for free off the internet that can turn pictures into drawings?

    I want it to look look someone drew it.
  9. K

    Ok im an artist kinda i have some random drawings...... how do i get them on the...

    ...internet? help
  10. J

    how do i make my drawings look like anime pictures. like when you see

    them on tv or the internet? i like to draw and im pretty good at it but i want to know if there is a way for me to make my drawings look like real anime.
  11. A

    Im looking for drawings for scale model airplanes, where can i go to get them? Any

    Internet sites you know? I have googled for drawings online, i found some good ones, but most are shit!
  12. T

    drawings from the lost book of Nostradamus?

    where can i get all the pictures in the lost book at like see i want to print them and examine them myself how can i do than where do i go and i want to know also do u believe in it