
  1. T

    Drained the petrol tank on a Honda H100s but now it wont reseal.?

    Cant see anything the matter with it.
  2. D

    Battery Drained. Shutting down handheld?

    Hi, so I have a blackberry bold 9900, and for the first time the other day it died completely, and if I press the power, it turns on long enough to say "Battery Drained. Shutting Down handheld." And idk if when it's off it's charging or not. How do I fix this
  3. J

    blackberry 9780 shutting down incorrectly "battery drained handset shutting

    down" even tho its half battery? help please because i cant use my phone for more than 5 hours now and its becoming annoying, its happening more frequently now
  4. L

    My blackberry curve drained out and now wont come on? HELP PLEASEEEE !?

    i have a bb curve ( the newest one ) and the battery drained when i was sleeping so now when i try to charge it , the red light comes on but then i just goes back off , and i tired to charge it on my computer but i just does the same thing PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ! i need my phone to come on .
  5. S

    Car battery drained due to amp being powered constantly, is it possible?

    Hey guys, I recently suffered an unfortunate incident (my car battery got drained completely) - might have left a light or something on in the car...However I'm all good now but not too confident to connect the positive terminal back to my amp for the sub, fearing that it might be the cause of...
  6. K

    Why dont cons know pelosi fought special interests better than them, and drained

    the swamp? Pelosi:The reason they had to try to take me down is because I've been effective in fighting the special interests in Washington, D.C. I'm also the most significant attractor of support for the Democrats. So I'm not looking back on this. They asked me to run. I'm running. And again...
  7. J

    Mitsubishi eclipse battery keeps getting drained?

    I have a mitsubishi eclipse (1994 if it matters) and I recently replaced the battery. The last battery I had was overdue, but what surprised me was the fact that even after the car had been on and I was driving for a while, the battery would still die after every stop I made, so I replaced it...
  8. N

    Do you ever feel drained when you have a friend that always complains?

    Complaining just about anything and everything. Do you sometimes feel like avoiding them fearing that they'll change your mood? Coz sometimes we go out thinking that we are gonna have fun, only to find out all i'll be hearing are things that will spoil my day coz no matter how hard i try to give...
  9. N

    Do you ever feel drained when you have a friend that always complains?

    Complaining just about anything and everything. Do you sometimes feel like avoiding them fearing that they'll change your mood? Coz sometimes we go out thinking that we are gonna have fun, only to find out all i'll be hearing are things that will spoil my day coz no matter how hard i try to give...
  10. N

    Do you ever feel drained when you have a friend that always complains?

    Complaining just about anything and everything. Do you sometimes feel like avoiding them fearing that they'll change your mood? Coz sometimes we go out thinking that we are gonna have fun, only to find out all i'll be hearing are things that will spoil my day coz no matter how hard i try to give...
  11. K

    blackberry curve 8320 battery drained shutting down handheld?

    so my bb was working perfectly fine then one day the battery died on me and now it will not charge, i have used different chargers and different batterys and it still will not charge. why is it doing this?
  12. K

    blackberry curve 8320 battery drained shutting down handheld?

    so my bb was working perfectly fine then one day the battery died on me and now it will not charge, i have used different chargers and different batterys and it still will not charge. why is it doing this?
  13. C

    Why Am I So Physically Drained Out?

    I just got out of school a while back, and currently am chilling at my moms house in Florida. I currently am not working or going to school, and focusing all my attention on getting in shape. I go to the gym when I wake up, and once again later at night. I am doing weight lifting and cardio. My...
  14. B

    blackberry 8310 battery drained?

    today i was on my blackberry 8310, and all of a sudden the connection goes from EDGE to GSM. this has never happened before, and i had this phone for about 2 months. the battery was at 75% in the status. i could not receive or send any messages, and could not go on the browser. my friends who...
  15. S

    Oil drained out from my under my 1988 mazda rx7 today.?

    I lifted up the hood and oil was all over the place. I then found a large bolt and what looked like a sensor. I just had an o ring put on my oil pump. What happened?!