
  1. L

    I found that it diverges but now I must check for conditionally convergent, can I

    only use alt.series test now? I have to state whether it's absolute convergence, conditional convergence, or divergence. I learned that if I get the answer of divergent, then I must check for conditionally convergent.so, Ex. I found SUM (-1)^(n+1) n!/2^n to = infinity which is Divergent by my...
  2. S

    Finding the limit of a sequence as n diverges to infinity.?

    an = (1 + 1/n)^n(log2)n n(log2)n is the power (just to avoid any confusion) and the log is base 2 hence its in the brackets. We've just started doing sequences so I am a bit new to the whole concept. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Z

    Prove this integral (from 1 to infinity) diverges?

    1 / (cuberoot(3x^2+6))
  4. R

    find if the series from n=1 to infinity [2.3.4...(n+1)]/n! diverges?

    what test can i use and how do i do it