
  1. W

    Christians, can you disprove my God, Odin?

    Or disprove any Gods or Goddesses at all? @Christian Skeptic, who said Father Odin is made of matter? That "argument" works against any God, including your own. @Warrior ?, Odin promised the end of all Ice Giants. Jesus promised the end of all wicked people. I don't see any Ice Giants, do you...
  2. J

    If I told you I was from the future, how would you disprove it?

    I seriously am from the future, 500 years from now. In the future there are no records of the past, because the Machines destroyed it all. In the future there is a war between man and machine, and cats and dogs. People walk on their hands because of the new laws passed by Rex the dog Emperor. I...
  3. T

    Researchers Disprove Surmise That Eye Movement Direction Correlates To Lying

    New research refutes a commonly held belief that certain eye movements are associated with lying. The idea that looking to the right indicates lying, while looking left suggests truth telling, is shown to be false in a report published in the open access journal PLoS ONE. The researchers, led...
  4. A

    Can you disprove God?

    The question is simple.Can you disprove that a higher power/creator does not exist?Also can you prove he is not worthy of worship?When I say god all I mean is an all powerful , all knowing , all loving being who created the universe.(Also , it is not impossible to be all powerful , all knowing...
  5. A

    How can ATHEISTS argue against these FACTS that Prove Creationism and DISprove

    Evolution? Creation Scientists have found the key to proving intelligent design the talking snake in Genesis! Snakes today have no vocal cords- that proves Evilution NEVER happened! Yes, this proves without a doubt that snakes were created by God otherwise how could they talk? 9 out of 10...
  6. D

    Does the very existence of Bible prophecies prove or disprove that man can

    exercise Free Will? Can you explain how free will is still an option if 'true prophecies' are actually made, thousands of years in advance of the event?
  7. O

    If you could disprove some prophecies made in the Five Books of Moses......?

    Wouldn't that disprove both Judaism and Christianity (since Jesus was a Jew), since they both rely on it? So... are there any prophecies in the Five Books of Moses that were proven false? Please cite sources that are reliable. I have NOT asked this many times. I asked this once before and got...
  8. D

    Atheists, doesn't the Bible disprove the idea that the universe created itself...

    ...from nothing? The Bible, which is the divine word of God and therefore cannot be disputed, disproves your entire worldview with one short sentence. So tell me, atheists, how does it feel knowing that there is now ample evidence against your beliefs? Genesis 1:1 (New International Version)...
  9. K

    Can you disprove Judaism?

    So Atheists, Deists, Shamans, Buddhists, New Agers or others can you disprove Judaism? Probably you will say it has taken from Sumerian or Egyptian Myths but what if Egyptians or Sumerians took it from people like Abraham, Jacob or else. They could mix their belief system with Judaic belief...
  10. D

    Christians, Can you disprove the existance of Vishnu?

    The God Vishnu. There are many Hindus who claimed to have seen vishnu. Thousands of eyewitness testimony's. Just as their are thousands of people whom claimed to have seen the Christian god, or the Muslim god. Or any god. The Bible constitutes as one source of testimony, the Veda constitutes...
  11. J

    Does scientific knowledge of the cause of earthquakes disprove Jesus'...

    ...prophecy of the time of the end? I often see answerers pointing to the fact that Earthquakes can be explained scientifically as if that somehow disproves Jesus' prophecy that there would be great earthquakes in one place after another during the time of the end. How does knowing the cause...
  12. M

    Does this quote disprove the liberals that say Lincoln was a liberal?

    You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. -Abe
  13. D

    Why does physics disprove the ability to tell the future?

    I heard somewhere that einstein and all of physics has disproved the ability to tell the future, therefore all palm readers, fortune tellers, and tarot card people are lying. What principle/law in physics disproves the ability to tell the future?
  14. W

    If I try to disprove something, wether its god, evolution, spells/hoaxes,

    does it matter my religion? If I try to disprove any assertion, does it matter if I am a Hindu or a Jew If I try to disprove Evolution does it matter if I am a Christian or a Muslim If I try to disprove spells or leprechauns, does it matter if I'm from Ireland or from Malaysia Does it matter...
  15. P

    Why is using logic to disprove religion supposedly wrong?

    Supposedly using logic to disprove religion is wrong because God is a being beyond anyone's comprehension, therefore it would be impossible to use Earthly logic to disprove God, because God it more than anyone could understand, yet it was ok for Jesus to use the same kind of logic (parables) to...
  16. A

    Why does science try disprove religion?

    Don't give me any athiest anwsers please. I want the truth why do people try to disprove God when it always turns out pointless?
  17. D

    Can anybody disprove the conspiracy theories?

    I know that not to being able to doesn't mean they are right. I'm just asking so that I can eliminate those that aren't true. If the NWO conspiracy theory is correct then couldn't it very well bring about the world situation that Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Book of Revelations talk about...