
  1. A

    typing alt and number keys but only getting a ding sound? Help?

    trying to type dashes but the alt 0151 code isn't working.
  2. G

    True Blood Recap: Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead-ish!

    It is Halloween yet? 'Cause all this witchey business has us seriously craving some candy corn. But back to True Blood. When we left Sookie last week, she was up crap creek, causing...
  3. F

    I ave a pet pigeon named Spunky, he trys to flee away from me when i flash my ding

    bell, why is that? it dos it all da tyme. But not with my wife pengiun and my otha wyfe donkey monkey. What am i doing rong??? PROUD ALBANANANIAN :DDDD at xxxxxx, yu stupid hoe, im a albanian you see, we dont kno what a 'job' is, may Allah have mercy on your Yankee sooul
  4. R

    Ever prank called or ding dog ditched before? What happened? Lol(:?

    I've prank called one of my friend's mom and she ended up calling the police on me, lol. I still haven't come clean to telling her who that certain person was(:
  5. S

    Can any one suggest a 'ding ding' tramway tour from an MTR station to

    Causeway Bay (Times Square)? Which MTR station and what exit? How to get from the exit to the Tram stop? Which tram should we get on (what destination sign)? At which tram stop should we get off (stop number name, ex: 5th or 8th stop... and what's the stop's name)? How to get to Times Square...
  6. A

    Ding Dong Bell, Pussy's in the Well?

    What do you make of this?
  7. G

    Uni And The Ding String Trio-As Gold-CD-2008-iPC

    Category: Music-MP3 (Indie) Size: 37.83 MB Files: 18 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun May 2nd 13:40:37 UTC Download NZB
  8. M

    I have a dell computer and want to wipe out everything inclu ding XP and start

    over and then reinstall XP.? I have backed up the files I want to keep but want to delete everything else with no worries on giving my computer to someone else
  9. H

    I own a Honda CRV and the reminder ding that my lights are on has stopped

    working. How can I fix this? My battery has gone dead more than once because I forget to turn my lights off. How can I get the reminder ding to work again?
  10. B

    what is the ding bell when I try to close out something?

    what is the ding when I try to close out
  11. S

    Where could i get one of those things that are in mall stors tht ding wen you...

    ...walk in, but with a custom sound? They serve as doorbells i suppose and might even count the people that come in. I need to find or build one that has a custom sound besides a "ding".