diet or exercise

  1. M

    Fitness: Is this a good diet/exercise combination?

    Since I'm a student, I'll only post my 4small meals(I eat after my 5:00am morning cardio;then recess; then lunch; then dinner.) As a small number of you guys may see, I made a typo on my last question and instead of saying 23% body fat, I type 13%, I apologise. But since 2 sandwiches a day and...
  2. G

    How am I doing with my new diet/exercise routine? ?

    This is day one to get ready for spring break! Before it was binging all the time, eating empty calories, and no exercise. So if it seems like i'm not doing AMAZING.. remember.. i'm not used to this and it's only day 1! lol here's what i ate/drank today: -a chocolate frosted donut (250 cals)...