
  1. I

    Bittorrent recently installed freeze DHT waiting for log in in windows 8?

    i explain my problem: Bittorrent worked well when i had windows 7 installed. I formatted my hard drive and installed windows 8. i downloaded bitorrent . After installing it i open it BT freeze (don't respond )" DHT waiting to log in" is written. i tried many times always the same happens. What...
  2. J

    BitTorrent 7.2.1 DHT Problems?

    I've been trying to use BitTorrent on my Windows XP Service Pack 3 computer upstairs. But I ALWAYS use proxy IP addresses to connect. Any time I do use a proxy, I always get "DHT: Waiting to log in". And I have excluded BitTorrent from the Windows Firewall, reinstalled it, and used multiple...
  3. J

    BitTorrent 7.2.1 DHT Problems?

    I've been trying to use BitTorrent on my Windows XP Service Pack 3 computer upstairs. But I ALWAYS use proxy IP addresses to connect. Any time I do use a proxy, I always get "DHT: Waiting to log in". And I have excluded BitTorrent from the Windows Firewall, reinstalled it, and used multiple...
  4. B

    What is going on with bittorrent? DHT is not starting up?

    I was using it at a local place and all of a sudden the server was down and no way to know because I had no administrative rights to their main server. But I'm guessing bittorrent caused it. Anyway, after that incident I went somewhere else (my college) and cannot use it at all. there is a...
  5. E

    DHT: Waiting to login and DHT 0 Nodes (Login) Bittorrent?

    Ok I have installed win xp for now and I cant torrent ANYTHING, i have tryed diffferent torrent downloaders and i have no firewall or internet security! the port its forwarded now what do i do!
  6. J

    Why can't I enable DHT for my torrent?

    You dont want DHT enabled.... Do you download from private Trackers ? if so its highly non recommended to have this enabled. Need to put some more detailed description mate on what your doing and why you need it enabled.