
  1. T

    My Scorpio ex deliberately didn't greet me on my birthday, should I greet him on his?

    What are the good and bad it would do?
  2. K

    do many british muslims choose to segregate themselves deliberately?

    I am not at all prejudice. I'd just like to know why many don't mix with people from other cultures and choose to live as they would have to In strict Islamic countries.
  3. H

    What would you do if I deliberately sneezed on you and laughed in your face?

    lmao, you guys are hilarious :)
  4. J

    why does everyone think George Bush deliberately lied to the American People?

    When George Bush went to war with Iraq, he claimed that there was a strong possiblitly that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. after knowing for a few months that we were invading Iraq, somehow when we went in there, we didn't find any. Now liberals believe that Bush just wanted oil and there...
  5. T

    Hamas admits it deliberately targets ciilians?

    Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum was quoted by AP Wednesday as saying Hamas attacks on southern Israel towns are "a means of self-defense." "Those are not civilians. They are all soldiers," Barhoum said of the residents of southern Israel. "We are firing at places that bring us the F-16s, the...
  6. W

    POLL: have you ever, deliberately or accidentally, killed........?

    an animal? Could be from hunting, car accident etc I had a pigeon fly into my car bumper and the pigeon definitely came off worst!!