
  1. A

    Oilers’ derrick malfunctions, dangles over home bench

    Scary moment at the beginning of Monday night's contest between the Edmonton Oilers and the Nashville Predators, as the large oil derrick through which the Oilers' skate at the beginning of every game malfunctioned when one of the cables hoisting it back into the rafters gave way. The derrick...
  2. C

    Is salvation a "carrot on a stick" that God dangles in front of sinners?

    Or did Jesus perfectly save all of His people for whom He died on the cross; and now Jesus is waiting for all His sheep, not willing that any of His sheep perish, to find out about their completed salvation in Him? John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh...
  3. M

    AmEx dangles $300 carrot to cardholders to pay off and close accounts

    AmEx dangles $300 carrot to cardholders to pay off and close accounts Credit card companies are closing dormant accounts and trying new tactics to get their customers to pay back their balances, but American Express is holding out a carrot to cardholders who can pay theirs down quickly...