
  1. G

    Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr Kiss in Public, Keep Crushing Split Rumors

    We told you Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr were just fine! Amid another round of the split rumors that always seem to be plaguing those*Hollywood types, Bloom was spotted leaning in...
  2. K

    In Martial Arts, why males forbid women from crushing a pair of testicles ?

    They say you cannot kick below the belt, but making rules in fighting like that is just to protect the male from losing. If those sexist rules were abolished women could compete on equal terms and WIN ! I don't wear a cup when I fight - so why should males do ?????? Why do guys get such special...
  3. N

    How do Atheist people sleep at night knowing their crushing a small child's dream?

    They tell them "God isn't real." "Stop believing in your fairytails!" and a lot of other malicious stuff. How can Atheist people say such things to small children? is it because they have no morals? they're like monsters in the dark who are too afraid to find the light.
  4. T

    i need help with itunes keeps crushing while syncing my iphone?

    hi, 1stly thank you all those who hepled me get my phone working again. put it in rice and next day was working fine. however everytime i plug my phone into itunes the whole thing stops working and i am getting an error message that says Adding files Processing 20100803 013023.m4a and the...
  5. N

    Im crushing on a guy and still in a this considered cheating?

    What do I do? I have been dating this guy for almost three years and I'm a senior...i feel like i should be able to crush on other guys...but i still love him. I have told another boy he's cute and ive kinda flirted with him and i feel soooo guilty! Should i telll my bf i want a break? to...
  6. L

    can you name a song about crushing on someone who makes you laugh and

    smile more than anything? im looking for a little country, pop, or r&b song...i dont want the song to talk about love it's just a little crush
  7. J

    How to Complain Against Animal Crushing (if I'm Canadian)?

    This has been on my mind all day. Each time I look into my dogs eyes I want to shed a tear because it hurts me to see and hear of people crushing animals for pleasure. If I'm Canadian and disagree with the US, is there someone I can complain to? Perhaps with a large amount of complaints, the...
  8. T

    Omg I'm crushing on Justin Bieber?

    Am I mad?I don't hate him as i used to anymore.
  9. J

    Who is crushing on who in the pokemon series?

    wow i never thought i would end up asking strangers this question.
  10. J

    Who is crushing on who in the pokemon series?

    wow i never thought i would end up asking strangers this question.
  11. K

    i'm not crushing on a boy now and i'm ok with that but?

    my friends is getting on my nevres by calling my a les cuz i don't like any boys in my school. when i tell her stop joking she is like go F yurself wat should i do???
  12. G

    ViewSonic Is Making a Lap Crushing 22-Inch "Notebook" [Ridiculous]

    ViewSonic, not exactly a major player in the laptop world, is apparently making up for their small stature with a 22-inch notebook. Sounds like a classic case of pen..otebook envy. [Digitimes] </img> </img> </img> </img>
  13. F

    Girls and Guys: what celeb are u crushing on ?

    Anyone that knows me knows I have it bad for darling Jessica Simpson. One of THE hottest women on the planet.
  14. S

    Are Wrist/leg Locks, And Crushing Chokes Allowed In Mma/ufc?

    such as a form of choke where the opponant is on the floor, and you put your hand on the floor and push your elbow to the ground, crushing their throat, or grabbing your elbow, with their throat in the middle and crushing your arms together
  15. L

    Poll: If a celebrity was crushing on you, who would you want it to be?

    my choice would be CHANNiNG TATUM(: yumm!