
  1. B

    are there any ipad apps that are like ib, corpse party, or witch house?

    basically Japanese RPGs. thanks :)
  2. M

    Anime's to watch like the game called corpse party, scary highschool anime please?

    thanks :)
  3. G

    Guess Which Stunning Star Transformed Into a Creepy Corpse for Halloween!

    Yikes! This celebrity stunner never ceases to amaze us with her creative costumes, but this one took her over-the-top Halloween transformations to a whole 'nother...
  4. H

    Where can I watch Shikbane Hime:Aka (Corpse Princess) english dubbed online!?

    I can only seem to find up to episode 4. I need episode 5 and up in english dubbed!
  5. J

    Cannibal Corpse DVD Question!! (for musicians)?

    im not sure how to explain this, what are the few songs that keep playing throughout the 20 years of Torment DVD? there arent words to the parts.. just riffs mainly one that sounds just like this.. (starts at 3:51)
  6. X

    In Full Metal Alchemist, which episodes can I see the corpse of the mother?

    I never got a really good look at the corpse the brothers brought back. I'm pretty sure they show it vaguely in some episodes and wondering which of the episodes did they show the corpse. I've heard a lot of descriptions but I wanna see it for myself.
  7. X

    In Full Metal Alchemist, which episodes can I see the corpse of the mother?

    I never got a really good look at the corpse the brothers brought back. I'm pretty sure they show it vaguely in some episodes and wondering which of the episodes did they show the corpse. I've heard a lot of descriptions but I wanna see it for myself.
  8. M

    Cannibal Corpse 1993 Hammer Smashed face

    Name: Cannibal Corpse 1993 Hammer Smashed face Category: Music: MP3 Albums Size: 39.72MB Added: 2009-10-05 14:28:06