
  1. J

    Am i setting up my car audio corectly? please help!?

    Ok I'm decent at car audio stuff but some of this is new so I'm just checking if I'm doing it right. Ok so I'm instaling a legacy 10 band pre amp equalizer, a jensen 400 watt amp, 2 10in pyramid original subs with 200rms peak, and an american legacy 600watt amp. I also have an aftermarket...
  2. N

    Riddle questions rewards will be oferd for all who answer all corectly?

    I have a couple of hard riddles for people if you get them all right I will give your answer 5 stars a.k.a ten points for your yahoo profile Riddle #1: I have a bed but do not sleep, I run but do not walk, have a mouth but cannot talk. What am I? Riddle #2: I have now latches, lid, or jeyhole...
  3. B

    how to know if i put my go kart clutch on corectly?

    Should the wheels spin freely or should the wheels chuckle by that i mean when you push it should it stop and go stop and go
  4. L

    How do I spell Homo Sapians corectly?

    Okay so my teacher [English] said that Wikapidia does not spell things right. So how do I spell HomoSapians corectly? Its means Human Fwi. -.- Look all I need is the right spelling for that. And I was typing fast. Someone just give me the right spelling instead of nagging.
  5. L

    How do I spell Homo Sapians corectly?

    Okay so my teacher [English] said that Wikapidia does not spell things right. So how do I spell HomoSapians corectly? Its means Human Fwi. -.- Look all I need is the right spelling for that. And I was typing fast. Someone just give me the right spelling instead of nagging.