
  1. A

    The Ten Commandments Of Good Sleep Hygiene

    I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a “good night’s sleep.” Sure, I’ve slept for 16 hour stretches after letting both ends burn until I’m practically hallucinating, but I’ve never been the kind of person that could yawn, stretch and … More » The Ten Commandments Of Good Sleep Hygiene is a post from...
  2. eee

    why did Christ say all other commandments hang from these 2 commandments?

    instead of saying all the other commandments are abolished by these 2 commandments?
  3. T

    God says in commandments: not to kill; but he himself kills thousands of people in

    the Bible..? Hippocratic?
  4. T

    How many of the ten commandments were original?

    If you do the research--I come up with 9 that were taken from prior cultures.
  5. J

    What does Judaism and Christianity say about these commandments by God?

    I thought it was against the laws of God to kill people. One who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall be put to death; the whole congregation shall stone the blasphemer. Aliens as well as citizens, when they blaspheme the Name, shall be put to death. (NRSV) Leviticus 24:16 If a man commits...
  6. C

    Did Jesus order us to obey all the commandments? Why do Christians not

    follow them if Jesus said you should? "Think not that I came to destroy the Law and the Prophets. I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily, I say unto you that until Heaven and earth pass away not a jot or one tittle shall no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew...
  7. F

    the commandments dont you think they seem rather............................?

    .......self serving? the first 5 or so are about gods preferences that make him feel better the rest sound like they came from someone whos experienced these things and has issues withthem what do you think?
  8. D

    Why do Christians whine about crosses being banned when the 10 commandments...

    ...explicitly prohibits them anyway? "You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them."
  9. J

    Christians, would you be in favor of introducing the ten commandments to the...

    ...government making it? the law of the land?
  10. H

    Question for jews? What happens if you break commandments in judaism?

    So I'm jewish, but I've never been that religious. And I've broken some commandments in the past and I was wondering what are the consequences for this according to judaism? And is there anything I am supposed to do now that I've broken them now like pray to god for forgiveness or something like...
  11. N

    Christians: Why some of us are not following the commandments?

    Please Dont come with the "the law is dead" story, because its been billions of times explained that Paul was referring to Mosaic law :(sacrifices, and some other laws) But yet the Law of Ten Commandments are for eternity, since they were written by God's finger, and He Himself said that are for...
  12. R

    Is this one of the commandments ?

    If you send a messenger to collect money from an AKUM ( non jew or Gentile) and the AKUM pays too much the messenger may keep the difference ,but if the messenger doesn't know about it then you may keep it all yourself ( choshen Ha'mishpat 163:1 also 2661:1)
  13. A

    when in the novel Animal Farm did the pigs contradict the commandments?

    1.Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. 2.Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3.No animal shall wear clothes. 4.No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5.No animal shall drink alcohol. 6.No animal shall kill any other animal. 7.All animals are equal. like what are some...
  14. J

    Do you really go to heaven by accepting Christ and by following the 10 commandments?

    When a man who looked up to Jesus and followed the 10 commandments that every believers today are so proud of asked Jesus about having an eternal live, Jesus told him, “You're missing one thing. Go and sell everything you own, give the money to the destitute, and you will have treasure in...
  15. A

    Does anyone find the 'new' Ten Commandments disturbing?

    And aren't they doing a good job of prepping society, by breaking use down slowly? Separating societies classes, and lulling us into submission? please note: this requires a 94% reduction of todays...