
  1. L

    Naruto question relating to the newest chp 642(spoiler)?

    Ok so it looks like naruto might get the other half of kyuubi If that happens and if there is a sasuke vs naruto fight don't you think sasuke would some how need to obtain the rinnegan(I know sasuke doesn't have senju DNA well as far as we know) to even...
  2. G

    Got a truck impounded in LA by chp. where do i need to pick it up?

    its actually my buddys truck but he doesnt have a license so imma get it for him. He didnt tell me where the place was so can anyone whose done this before let me know what impound lot or a list of lots the chp usually uses in la?
  3. J

    I got a citation at a CHP inspection point for unadjusted brakes on

    comercial truck will i get points for it ? California Highway Patrol