
  1. A

    how to write hello good morning on limewire alvin and the chipmunk version?

    when i put hello good morning from p. diddy alvin and the chipmunks version it only shows a congrats message??
  2. X

    On my PS3 bluetooth, i sound like a chipmunk! How can i get it so i sound normal!?

  3. @

    Chipmunk help!!!!!!!!...?

    would a baby chip just drink milk?> what else do yo u need to take care of it i know, the damn thing is so adorable
  4. M

    Audio cassette tapes produce "Chipmunk" voices?

    My uncle found three boxes of cassette tapes at a garage sale a couple of days ago and when we tried to play them the voices on the tapes were high pitched and fast. I was wondering if there was anyway to change the voices or at least slow them down. The cassettes are all TDK Type 1 D90's and I...
  5. J

    If you drive over a small animal (squirrel, chipmunk, etc) and then discover?

    it isn't quite dead, should you run over it again to put it out of it's torture? (we're talking about it hanging onto life by a thread... If your answer is "No", then what should be done about the animal?)
  6. P

    How do I get this chipmunk living in my recorder, out of it?

    I have a Sony cassette recorder roughly 30+ years of age that plays tapes beautifully. However, whenever I record anything from voice to music, it sounds weird like Alvin the chip monk. I have already checked the tape speed with a special cassette speed gauge thing, and its dead on. I’ve...