
  1. T

    what is the cheesiest jokes youve heard?

    mine are why was 6 afraid of 7? -Because 7 8 9. what kind of computer sings -a dell why did the tomato blush -because it saw the salad dressing
  2. R

    I want your cheesiest sci fi flicks!?

    To make it interesting, I'm asking for films made before 1995. I love science fiction. Please give me your best sci fi pics. I especially love the Sci Fi films made after Star Wars. Best list wins.
  3. L

    What is the cheesiest joke ever?

    I need to know one because there are some jokes out there that are so stupid they crack me up :).
  4. T

    What's the cheesiest joke you know?

    Here's mine... What time is it when you have to go to the dentist? 2:30 - tooth hurty hahaha
  5. M

    Easiest cheesiest risotto recipe?

    I can't cook so well. :) Something easy and preferably cheesy.
  6. H

    What is the Best/ Worst/ Cheesiest pick up line you have ever heard?

    I just want to know. mine are Me: "I think you dropped something over there" Other person: "What did I drop?" Me "My Jaw." other one is... Me "woah, was that an earthquake?" *before other person answers* "because I just rocked your world!" Hehehe(:
  7. K

    Whats your cheesiest pick up line?

    Do you have a map? Cos I'm lost in your eyes. Do you have a fire extinguisher? I'm burning up for you.
  8. M

    Poll: What's the cheesiest pick up line you've heard?

    Funniest/Cheesiest gets best answer :)
  9. T

    What is the cheesiest pick-up line someone has ever used on you?

    Or what is the cheesiest pick-up line you have ever used on someone? Thanks! :)
  10. G

    What is the cheesiest pick-up line you've ever heard?

    I've heard- If I controlled the alphabet, I would put u and i together. and do you sleep on your stomach? (they answer) can I sleep on your stomach? and do you have a band-aid because I am falling for you. lol we were talking about this in all of Physics class today!
  11. F

    poll: What was the cheesiest pick up line you have heard?

    Just wondering. :)
  12. S

    What is the cheesiest pick-up line you have ever heard/said?

    did it work?
  13. P

    What is the cheesiest Pick-up line you have ever heard?

    You know like Nice legs,when do they open?
  14. M

    What Is The Cheesiest Pick Up Line You Have Ever Heard?

    i heard this loser say to my friend "ouch! my eyes are buring or is it just your personal fi-yah?"
  15. L

    who has the cheesiest pick up line?

    Choose one person on this page & tell them the cheesiest pick up line you can think of. i'll do it too. I'm sick & i need a laugh. (:
  16. V

    Cheesiest introduction ever?

    A guy walks up to a girl in a bar and asks, "Are you thirsty?" The girl says, "Sure." The guy says, "Well, pleased to meet you Thirsty, I'm Friday, why don't you come over Saturday and we'll have a Sunday?"
  17. S

    What is the cheesiest pick-up line you've ever heard?

    Ok, I went out last night and heard one of the dumbest pickup lines i've ever heard. I was just wondering what are some of the ones that you've heard? Guys you're input is welcomed also I know sometimes it goes both ways.