
  1. K

    (Lesbians & others :)Which names do u find cool on butch or soft butch lesbians?

    Jane Elizabeth (Liz\Lizzy) Elizabeth (Beth) Kate Katie Victoria (Vickey) Danielle (Dani) Jackie Jessie Tess Kimberly (Kim) Michelle Lyn Cecily Jade Alexandra (Alex) Patricia (Patty) Valerie Sharon Jodie Eva Sasha Lindsey Joanna (Jo) Natalie (Nat \Nate) Kristen Ashley Lauren Valentina Marlie BQ)...
  2. A

    Why do this lesbian (butch female) coming on to me?

    I have a lesbian co worker that works with me,always trying to push up on me.I told her I'm not gay,nor have I thought about it,but she constantly keeps telling me how pretty I am,and how she can do certain things better than a man.Any suggestions? And oh btw,I don't want to her fired
  3. G

    Why do lesbian chicks seem to like soft butch or butchish other chicks?

    I am very femme and my gf is soft butch and very pretty. I wonder though why it seems most lesbians prefer chicks that are kind of soft butch sporty types rather than femmes. (I like soft butch too) but I noticed that very few lesbian chicks are attracted to me as I suppose i am 'girly' - not...
  4. T

    The Sci Fi butch look (Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck) vs. Denise Crosby (Lt. Yar))?

    First, please forgive the category. Y!A has no "Science Fiction" category, so I figured that this was the most likely place to find my intended audience for the question. Come on, fellow geeks, you know what I'm talking about: who do you think is more attractive... Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck) or...
  5. K

    How to find other lesbians/bi girls' without going for butch ones or humiliating...

    ...ourselves? i'm bi, i've always had boyfriends.. but it never works out, they don't understand me like girls do... but how can i find other lesbian/bi girls who look famine and not humiliate myself?
  6. L

    Lesbians! Do you tend to go for girls more on the femme side or butch side?

    & Which would you say you are? I'd say im in the middle but leaning towards femme and i like my ladies to be a little on the butch side. The kind of butch i mean isn't the 'skinhead biker' kind (no offence meant). I just mean... i can't quite describe it....
  7. R

    Does anybody get mad when you see a hot lesbian with an ugly butch?

    I have nothing against lgbt, I just get frustrated when I see people like this!
  8. D

    Why do femme lesbians love to tease butch and soft core butch girls?

    Im a soft core butch so all I do is act and dress like a guy but femme girls always tease me till I blush stutter or spit and choke on something and I wanna know why they always do this.
  9. D

    Do some femme's like soft core butch lesbians who are slightly nerdy and...

    ...school boy shy? Just curious some of the girls I know enjoy how I am cause I blush and am easy to tease but I wanted to know if the more femme style like it too ok since some dont get my question what I mean is all my friends are soft butch like me but Im the youngest and easiest to tease and...
  10. A

    Why do some lesbians date butch women?

    If you're attracted to a person who looks and acts macho, wouldn't that make you straight? So why not just date a man?
  11. J

    Why do butch lesbians and tomboys exist on this planet?

    It is one thing for men to be beautiful and feminine and men may be gay, that is pleasing to the eye. But what is the point of having such ugly women who don'tr conform to the norms of what is an ideal beautiful woman?
  12. P

    Why is it that Lesbians often have one partner butch and the other feminine?

    Apart from the fact that they are both females I have often noticed that there is often one who acts more like a husband, and one more like a wife. I wonder if they realize one partner might be attracted to butch types and the butch types seem to be attracted to feminine types of lesbians. And...
  13. S

    Why do you think butch lesbians have an easier time getting dates than feminine...

    ...gay men? I don't mean to sound b*tchy but do NOT tell me I'm generalizing. YES, I know some lesbians reject butch women and some gay men are attracted to feminine men. But most often, its not the case. And I don't understand. As a gay male, I commend my dear lesbians for not rejecting butch...
  14. R

    Why do butch lesbians wear their baseball caps backwards?

    So the bills don't get in the way when they kiss! Is this an amusing joke, or just dead-in-the-water?
  15. H

    Westerns - Outlaw Trail The Treasure of Butch Cassidy (2006)

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 808.98 MB Files: 62 (9 pars) Group: a.b.movies.divx .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 0485956 Posted: Tue February 16th 10:37:11 UTC Download NZB
  16. H

    Westerns - Outlaw Trail The Treasure of Butch Cassidy (2006)

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 808.98 MB Files: 62 (9 pars) Group: a.b.movies.divx .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 0485956 Posted: Tue February 16th 10:37:11 UTC Download NZB
  17. A

    Report: Butch Jones next Cincinnati coach

    Butch Jones will likely follow in the footsteps of Brian Kelly. According to several reports, Jones will leave Central Michigan University, as Kelly did in 2006, and take the job at Cincinnati. More...
  18. E

    Is the Hunting community a lesser place without Butch?

    Some troublemakers pissed off Butch and so he decided to leave the Hunting forum. I didn't see eye to eye with everything he wrote, but he's one of the good guys. Butch, come back!