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    Potential Diagnostic Test For River Blindness Infection

    Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have found a telltale molecular marker for Onchocerciasis or "river blindness," a parasitic infection that affects tens of millions of people in Africa, Latin America and other tropical regions. The newly discovered biomarker, detectable in...
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    Inattentional Blindness: How Memory Load Leaves Us 'Blind' To New Visual Information

    Trying to keep an image we've just seen in memory can leave us blind to things we are 'looking' at, according to the results of a new study supported by the Wellcome Trust. It's been known for some time that when our brains are focused on a task, we can fail to see other things that are in plain...
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    Mechanism Identified That Leads To Diabetes, Blindness

    The rare disorder Wolfram syndrome is caused by mutations in a single gene, but its effects on the body are far reaching. The disease leads to diabetes, hearing and vision loss, nerve cell damage that causes motor difficulties, and early death. Now, researchers at Washington University School of...
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    Stem Cell Treatment For Blindness Shows Promise In Trials

    The first published results of trials using cells derived from human embryonic stem cells appear to show they have passed an initial safety hurdle. In The Lancet this week, researchers report that two nearly blind patients, one with Stargardt's macular dystrophy and the other with dry...
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    Genetic Link To Blindness Probed By Researchers

    University of Leeds researchers have used next-generation DNA sequencing techniques to discover what causes a rare form of inherited eye disorders, including cataracts and glaucoma, in young children. The findings should make it easier to identify families with this condition who are at risk of...
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    Researchers Work On Preventing Blindness From Age-Related Macular Degeneration And St

    Slowing down the aggregation or "clumping" of vitamin A in the eye may help prevent vision loss caused by macular degeneration, research from Columbia University Medical Center has found. Rather than changing the way the eye processes vitamin A, a team of researchers led by Ilyas Washington, a...
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    Visionary Stem Cell Technique Offers New Potential To Treat Blindness

    Scientists funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) are pioneering a stem cell treatment to replace diseased parts of the retina, which could lead to a future treatment for retinal diseases that affect around 3,000 children in the UK. The researchers from UCL Institute of Child Health and...
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    Research To Prevent Blindness Organization Awards $60,000 To Lu

    Qingxian Lu, PhD, assistant professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, has received the $60,000 William and Mary Greve Special Scholar Award from the Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) organization. The funds will go toward Lu's research...
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    Shao Wins Grant From Research To Prevent Blindness Organization For Dry Eye Research

    Hui Shao, MD, PhD, associate professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, has received a $60,000 Lew R. Wasserman Merit Award from the Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) organization. The grant will help fund Shao's research of Sjogren's...
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    Gene Therapy Cures Inherited Form Of Day Blindness In Canines

    Veterinary ophthalmology researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have used gene therapy to restore retinal cone function and day vision in two canine models of congenital achromatopsia, also called rod monochromacy or total color blindness. Achromatopsia is a rare autosomal recessive...
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    Shedding Light On Night Blindness And Calcium

    Congenital stationary night blindness, an inherited condition that affects one's ability to see in the dark, is caused by a mutation in a calcium channel protein that shuttles calcium into and out of cells. Now, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have teased apart the...
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    Discovery Of New Gene Could Help Prevent Blindness

    Scientists have uncovered a new gene that could help save the sight of patients with a type of inherited blindness. The international research team led by the University of Leeds found that the TSPAN12 gene is faulty in patients with a disease known as FEVR (Familial Exudative...
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    Discovery Of New Gene Could Help Prevent Blindness

    Scientists have uncovered a new gene that could help save the sight of patients with a type of inherited blindness. The international research team led by the University of Leeds found that the TSPAN12 gene is faulty in patients with a disease known as FEVR (Familial Exudative...
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    Discovery Of New Gene Could Help Prevent Blindness

    Scientists have uncovered a new gene that could help save the sight of patients with a type of inherited blindness. The international research team led by the University of Leeds found that the TSPAN12 gene is faulty in patients with a disease known as FEVR (Familial Exudative...
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    Discovery Of New Gene Could Help Prevent Blindness

    Scientists have uncovered a new gene that could help save the sight of patients with a type of inherited blindness. The international research team led by the University of Leeds found that the TSPAN12 gene is faulty in patients with a disease known as FEVR (Familial Exudative...
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    Discovery Of New Gene Could Help Prevent Blindness

    Scientists have uncovered a new gene that could help save the sight of patients with a type of inherited blindness. The international research team led by the University of Leeds found that the TSPAN12 gene is faulty in patients with a disease known as FEVR (Familial Exudative...
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    Discovery Of New Gene Could Help Prevent Blindness

    Scientists have uncovered a new gene that could help save the sight of patients with a type of inherited blindness. The international research team led by the University of Leeds found that the TSPAN12 gene is faulty in patients with a disease known as FEVR (Familial Exudative...
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    Discovery Of New Gene Could Help Prevent Blindness

    Scientists have uncovered a new gene that could help save the sight of patients with a type of inherited blindness. The international research team led by the University of Leeds found that the TSPAN12 gene is faulty in patients with a disease known as FEVR (Familial Exudative...
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    Drug Used To Treat Parasites In Animals May Offer New Treatment For River Blindness,

    "Closantel, an older drug used to treat a parasitic liver disease in animals, may prove effective at combating river blindness in humans, a major cause of infection-related blindness, U.S. researchers said on Monday," Reuters reports (Steenhuysen, 2/8). "People contract river blindness...
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    temporary blindness from datura aka "hells bells"?

    if you become blind from it 1. is it temporary? 2. what do you do when ur blind