
  1. R

    Will Adult bettas eat microworms?

    Just curious because I'm getting a microworm culture for fry, do you think the adult bettas would eat them???
  2. K

    do female and male bettas fight?

    i want too know do female bettas and male fight
  3. J

    my bettas tail is too long?

    My bettas tail is too long and he cant really swim and its hard to get his food. Can I cut its tail?
  4. D

    where can i buy a breeding pair of decent bettas with a credit card not a paypal...

    ...account fairly cheap? I would prefer an easy pair of crowntails to breed...I am not having luck with the male and female I bought at petco.
  5. D

    where can i buy a breeding pair of decent bettas with a credit card not a paypal...

    ...account fairly cheap? I would prefer an easy pair of crowntails to breed...I am not having luck with the male and female I bought at petco.
  6. M

    Would long finned bettas (siamese fighting fish) be able to survive in the wilds of

    Thailand, Cambodia etc..? In other words, where they're native to.Would long finned bettas be able to survive there? please explain...
  7. M

    Would long finned bettas (siamese fighting fish) be able to survive in the wilds of

    Thailand, Cambodia etc..? In other words, where they're native to.Would long finned bettas be able to survive there? please explain...
  8. M

    Would long finned bettas (siamese fighting fish) be able to survive in the wilds of

    Thailand, Cambodia etc..? In other words, where they're native to.Would long finned bettas be able to survive there? please explain...
  9. M

    Would long finned bettas (siamese fighting fish) be able to survive in the wilds of

    Thailand, Cambodia etc..? In other words, where they're native to.Would long finned bettas be able to survive there? please explain...
  10. M

    New bettas ....Help!!!!?

    i have had fish for years but never bettas ....i bought a female and a male and i need to know how to tell if the female is pregrnat
  11. L

    Larger tanks for my bettas?

    So when I was walking through Walmart a few weeks ago, I noticed that for some reason they think they are entitled to carry live fish. When I got back there I found betta fish practically rotting alive in their little bowls. I felt so bad that I took the two who looked like they might make it...
  12. A

    Female bettas in 20 gallon fish tank?

    Do female bettas to good together in a 20 gallon tank? I was thinking about getting 3 or my tank big enough to get 5? Either, 6 bettas or 7 or 8 zebra dianos, what kind of fish would be more hardy?
  13. F

    what is a good fish to put along with bettas?

    i want to get my partner in crime a fish for her betta. what should i get for her? oh yeah, she has a python in their with the betta as well
  14. T

    Im trying 2 breed my bettas for the 1st time. and i just need 2 know a lil

    more bout breeding? Im breeding my bettas and i have a tank where there is 2 different sections. so the male is in one side and the female in the other. and my male is making his bubble nest and my female is starting 2 make one 2. so i was just wondering if im doing the right thing and how long...