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    New Study Could Explain Why Antidepressants Are Life-Saving For Some, Make Others Int

    The level of activity in a certain area of your brain could predict whether you'll respond well to antidepressant medication. More » New Study Could Explain Why Antidepressants Are Life-Saving For Some, Make Others Into Zombies is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs...
  2. T

    In Sweden, Unethical Advertising Discovered At Launch Of Antidepressants

    The new feature of the antidepressant drugs of the 1990s was that they had milder side-effects than their predecessors. Combined with aggressive marketing, this meant that annual sales in Sweden increased from just under EUR 18 million to over EUR 100 million in the space of just a few years...
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    Antidepressants, Sleeping Pills And Anxiety Drugs May Increase Driving Risk

    Drugs prescribed to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia may increase patients' risk of being involved in motor vehicle accidents, according to a recent study, published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Based on the findings, the researchers suggested doctors should consider...
  4. K

    HELP NEEDED URGENTLY ! antidepressants are making me even worse !?

    okay, well three weeks ago my doctor prescribed me to start taking Mirtizapine, as I have severe depression and sleeping problems. The first few days on the medicine, I was like.a.zombie ! I couldn't get out of bed for hours, I couldn't walk around without flopping back in bed again, and I...
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    Researchers Find Antidepressants May Not Improve All Symptoms Of Depression

    Even people who show a clear treatment response with antidepressant medications continue to experience symptoms like insomnia, sadness and decreased concentration, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found after analyzing data from the largest study on the treatment of depression...
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    Researchers Find Antidepressants May Not Improve All Symptoms Of Depression

    Even people who show a clear treatment response with antidepressant medications continue to experience symptoms like insomnia, sadness and decreased concentration, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found after analyzing data from the largest study on the treatment of depression...
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    Study: Antidepressants most effective for severe depression

    [No message]
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    Antidepressants may pose risk of stroke, death in postmenopausal women

    [No message]
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    Penn Collaboration Suggest Antidepressants May Change Personality, Leading To Reduced

    Examining data obtained from a University of Pennsylvania and Vanderbilt University psychology study, researchers at these universities and Northwestern University have reported the first placebo-controlled evidence that antidepressant medications - particularly selective serotonin reuptake...
  10. M

    antidepressants, jealousy, hate....?

    i recently started taking antidepressants theres this girl who i extremely hate because she stole my bestfriend off me and never included me in anything, and i became depressed because i had no other close friends besides my stolen best friend. I hate that girl who stole my bf soo much. i...
  11. C

    Can antidepressants affect potentials jobs?

    Yes. They can
  12. J

    Do you know of any celebrities who used antidepressants?

    Do you know of any celebrities who use them. Mainly Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
  13. Fred

    anti-depressants question help!!!?

    my medication seems to be working , the panic has stoped and that but the problem is i have gone from thinking wayyyy too much into everything and caring wayyy too much to the complete opposite , i now dont give a sh*t about ANYTHING my head almost feels empty , this is quite disturbing , i feel...
  14. D

    Do anti-depressants improve severe, chronic Insomnia?

    Has anyone had experience taking anti-depressants for severe, chronic Insomnia. Chronic Insomnia is a condition where you can't sleep AT ALL unless you take medication to knock you out. It is not the kind of Insomnia that is merely a sleep disturbance, you don't sleep AT ALL. Doctors...
  15. O

    I'm a mother of 3 girls. I'm on antidepressants and my brother in law flirts with... by email.? Nothing major but it does make me feel better about myself. I am married as well but it does make me feel more confident about myself. What should I do cause without the flirting my life really has no life or excitemet what so ever. BTW it's my sisters's husband
  16. M

    What did people do before antidepressants where invented?

    ive took them for the last 9 years and they have helped alot im currently getting off them, What did people do before they where invented? They just got on with life, would it be better now if people just got on with it? because believe me its hard to get off them after 9 years. Im sure people...