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    Researchers Have A Natural Sidekick That May Resolve The Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteri

    Antibiotic-resistant bacteria continue to be a global concern with devastating repercussions, such as increased healthcare costs, potential spread of infections across continents, and prolonged illness. However, researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) could change the playing field of...
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    Poultry Farms That Go Organic Have Significantly Fewer Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

    Antibiotic use in conventional animal food production in the United States has created public health concern because it has been shown to contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can potentially spread to humans. A new study, led by Dr. Amy R. Sapkota of the University...
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    Survey Shows Rise In New Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria In Chicago Area

    In a survey of Chicago-area healthcare facilities, researchers at Rush University Medical Center and the Cook County Department of Public Health have found that the incidence of KPC-producing bacteria is rising. These bugs cause infections with high mortality rates and are resistant to the most...