
  1. M

    Can 4chan cause limewire to automatically download child porn?

    It didn't happen to me, but it was a pretty sketchy story told by my ex. Just wondering if it was true. And it didn't download any other porn, just child porn.
  2. À

    If I download something from 4Chan?

    Okay, all I wanted to Download is Anime Wallpaper... Just right clicking and saving the image... That doesn't mean I have a virus right??
  3. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  4. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  5. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  6. W

    Any 360* virtual tour software to play this kind of documents?

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers? How do i fix that?
  7. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  8. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  9. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  10. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  11. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  12. W

    On 4chan, why do i keep seeing XXX for the last 3 post numbers?

    How do i fix that?
  13. D

    Who is this celebrity? Seen on 4chan a lot.?

    Here's the image lol http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/4222/oshtt.jpg
  14. T

    is anyone else tired of 4chan?

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091129235546AAbzQKl http://img.4chan.org/b/res/178451945.html#178451945
  15. T

    is anyone else tired of 4chan?

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091129235546AAbzQKl http://img.4chan.org/b/res/178451945.html#178451945
  16. T

    is anyone else tired of 4chan?

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091129235546AAbzQKl http://img.4chan.org/b/res/178451945.html#178451945
  17. J

    wuts the 4chan prank call vent?

    ive already tried b.ventrilo.org port:3790 if anyone cann tell me the server and port # thanx(4 teh lulz)