
  1. T

    How long will it take to heat my 30ltr fish tank?

    Says it all in the question really haha. Heater is fitted and switched to 24 degrees - which is the temperature the water needs to reach. However, when i put the water in it was very cold, and even now after 6 hours, it is STILL very cold. Yeah thanks but.. what is new tank syndrome? I was going...
  2. V

    Biorb 30ltr tank - water is always cloudy despite changeing filter etc - WHy?

    we have 2 goldfirsh and a small tetra - I think the 2 goldfish are too big - bf says not. Also could it be the food? I never had this problem when i had it with just small fish in it - bf really doesnt know what hes talking about but they are his big fish! help any ideas? i know tetras are...