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  1. K

    guitar hero 2 question

    I remember when I was in sixth grade, my parents were talking bout "babies and storkes" And they told my aunt to be careful with what she said around me. My aunt said "He is in sixth grade, he probly already watches porn". My face got all red and I went up to my room, cuz she was right.
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    Man out of his element - Sharks

    Bur even if it did float, would it be any use against Baba Alla? In fact I think you're more likely to run in to the sea and thank god that it does not float.
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    I just finnished....

    needs more fleshlight
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    [Korea] Korean Food List

    The first night we were there, we had some sort of beef stew that was REALLY good. It was served in a big bowl with a burner underneath, for people to split. I didn't keep track of everything I ordered, so I'm afraid I can't add to the list.
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    ST - Are you a virgin?

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    Happy Thanksgiving Guize!

    Love you. What are you all thankful for? edit: I'm thankful for my family/friends/girlfriend, my job, my car, those who inspire me, the food in my fridge, the roof over my head, and last but not least my ever-faithful computer.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Pictures or it never happened.
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    i want a tattoo, need suggestions i only shot the begining steps, didnt want ink on my camera. enjoy, thanks for the imput. still needs color.
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    What should I wear for my interview at Academy later today?...

    1: something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment: as a: officially coined or stamped metal currency b: money of account c: paper money 2 a: wealth reckoned in terms of money b: an amount of money cplural : sums of money : funds3: a form or...
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    Women in the Infantry

    I think they say those concerns as they have seen it first hand. I came from serving with all males to being in mixed gender units and I can say, intentional or not, preferential treatment does happen. The pregnancy bit is also interesting - you would be surprised if you found out how many kids...
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    The American Infallibility Complex

    Next you're gonna tell me they bulldozed court street!
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    Sad day in Omaha

    wow sucks more then i thought
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    Real Life Super Heros

    Sorry, I did check if there was already a thread, must have missed it. I think they're all likely to end up dead/badly injured. Being ready for violence is one thing, actually going out to find it is another entirely. It's also pretty concerning that some of these people are kids. That...
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    ^^^ lmao
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    Parents fury at drink drive footballer

    I see it as he has a right to work after he served his time and they have the right to hire him. However the fans have a right not to support the club because of this and sponsors through pressure of the public have the right to pull their support.
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    I used like drawing when I was younger but these days I try and I just keep drawing anime faces and then I get bored. Does anybody here draw? What sort of things? Yes I will post on deviantart or something.
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    All ducks are wearing dog masks.

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    Vampires Vs. Werewolves

    Werewolves are winning? A great loss for good tastes
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    McDonalds Chicken Nuggets

    I'm 20 It's only funny because it's true.