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  1. M

    Your perfect girl.

    that. or maybe the jessica alba look
  2. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    The cheeses is sacred!
  3. M

    Record players/Turntables.

    Weren't the little portables with the build in speakers called record players while the component to a stero was called a turn table?
  4. M

    random facts thread

    I hear there are more germs in one of your finger nails than there are on a fly.
  5. M

    CAP members? (civil air patrol)

    well, it dose look good if u want a pilot slot.
  6. M

    so i feel like a complete loser

    Why would you even accept a job like that. I would of told them to go **** themself. Of coarse, I wouldn't be in the position anyway, since I wouldn't of applied for a job like that.
  7. M

    Hey ST degenerates...when are you going to die?

    Why are you so mad, kid?
  8. M


    Very little, but I do note a lot of grapplers have a stubble.....
  9. M

    Thought of the Day

    Well, that goes without saying, right? (yeah, I'm still around - but only to post pointless crap, promise)
  10. M

    eugenics thread.

    I peer review you.
  11. M

    Woman says deafness can be "nearly eradicated": is accused of "cultural genocide".

    Woman says deafness can be "nearly eradicated": is accused of "cultural genocide". Yeah, someone who can speak my language I feel must have tried very hard, because chances are I've tried theirs and failed.
  12. M

    amc movie theaters

    You cheeky mother fucker. :tup:
  13. M

    Should women cover up?

    Futureprod; What im getting from you is it's more the way a society is told to think about women who wear tight or short clothing that actually leads to how we might think of it in a sexual or indifferent manner? for example, some remote tribes wear next to nothing in Africa, but are those...
  14. M

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

  15. M

    Zombie Attack.

    vampires my friend, vampires
  16. M

    Summer break is almost at an end

    I understand man. Did you at least meet some kids yet?
  17. M

    Wild accussation

    For breakfast, adouglasmhor ate his own bodyweight in creme eggs.
  18. M

    android phones overheating

    ok so today i got my samsung epic in the mail today. like my most new phones it was only 50% power out of the box. after calling sprint to transfer my account to that phone i then spent about a half an hour downloading apps, activating my gmail and facebook on it, sent 2 text messages all while...
  19. M

    Renaming Marriage

    Seems to me marriage was an institution to protect the woman for economic reasons in our grandparent's and in some case our parent's generation's.Plus the religious aspect of a church wedding True it is suppose to be a loving union and all. But somewhere along the line this purpose and meaning...