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    i have done 5 minutes workout on my stomach and the muscles are hurting?

    They aren't used to it,You better some other workout before doing it so you muscles gets mature and then go to others that is what can help you in getting what you need at the moment just stay cool. WWW.EMRNEWS.COM
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    Healthy breakfast for after workout?

    Its better you take something light before your workout like some shake and after one hour of your workout take someting that suits you and is your need. Because that is what can help you in gaining your goal. Physical therapy
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    Good abs and core workout?

    Yeah by doing this kind of stuff a person can surely take his wellness and shape to the next level,Just doing it in routine is what they need maintain the diet and taking care of food they have because that should be healthy and in moderation. EMR NEWS
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    Is this a good bodybuilding workout plan for gaining muscle mass?

    Yeah it is sounding really cool bro,If someone do it i am sure they can get what they want in terms of their goal,Glad to see its kinda inspiration. Keep sharing things like that it will surely help those who are into these things. Click here
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    some important stress management techniques

    Sounds really cool,A lot of people go through this sort of propblems and having something that can actually help them is very useful for them so what you have posted can help a lot of people which is important according to me. Visit our website
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    Hello people, Hey guys,I am Ancer just joined the site and found an impressive discussion board here. I am glad to be a part of it.Expecting good suggestiond and ideas from you guys. Click here