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  1. N

    A Hong Kong Lawyer is suing her maid.....

    Yeah saw this one in the South China Morning Post last week. Abuse of foreign domestic helpers (maids, ahma's, dh's etc.) in Hong Kong is very common. The pay scales are outrageously low and they are not only open to abuse by their employers but often at the mercy of those who run the industry...
  2. N

    Where are the younger ones??

    Im 14 also! By "Younger Ones" I firs thought you were suggesting a youth revival of the 1980s sitcom, which would be awesome! But yeah, there aren't all that many people our age on here.. (By comparison to how many older kids / younger adults there are)
  3. N

    ***BREAKING NEWS*** Stoop kid afraid to leave stoop.

    I fucking loved that show. Especially that episode.
  4. N

    Licking your own elbow.

    Poor MH wouldn't be able to do slips trick then
  5. N

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    QFT! nothing makes me want to punch someone faster than them telling me to calm down when i'm irritated. in fact, it usually irritates me when they do it and i am NOT irritated yet. also grrr at my left knee behaving strangely.
  6. N

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    amusing and quaint combinations of thought patterns and emotions. they entertained me.
  7. N

    Women in the Infantry

    The training is not all that tough, and most people can physically handle it. The standards set forth are not all that standardized and in no way accurately predict proficiency or suitability for that job. Physical and combat fitness standards are the same throughout the military (or at least...
  8. N

    Is this unethical?

    I don't think anyone here understands asians in vancouver. My friend was in west van (richest part of bc) and saw these asians roll up in a mercedes. The grandma got out of the back and unlocked a shopping cart locked to a telephone pole. She then proceeded to rifle through carbage cans and...
  9. N

    So MEPS sucked, but in the end, tottally worth it!

    Why? Eye correction buddy. IDK if the marines allow that but the army does.
  10. N

    Pearl Harbor - remember your history

    NO, we really wouldn't. Seeing as they used MILITARY aircraft and their NAVY to attack military strategic objectives, and not take as many civilian lives as possible. They would be enemies and the states would go to war, thus invading their country.
  11. N

    The best biscuit?

    Are we speaking the same language?
  12. N

    Should we be worried?

    When I talk about him knocking civil rights backwards Im talking about abortion issues and gay rights. He never said "Because I am Christian I am doing this or that," that is just an ASSumption that I make from the all the crap that spews out of his mouth. And about what kickchick said, I didnt...
  13. N

    Wild accussation

    van zandt has a fetish for goats and keeps a copy of billy goat gruff under his bed for those lonely nights!
  14. N

    Middleschool Kid Shot & Killed By Cops

    Middleschool Kid Shot & Killed By Cops Heres the thing. We mostly come from a generation where you can have metal toy guns as a child and run around with it going "bnag bang" and no one will bat an eyelid. Now, with guns that are more commercially available everywhere. Gun crime has since...
  15. N


    Just a thought but for people who say they hate homophobia is it just generally homophobia you hate or is it only if someone acts on it? Like would you mind someone feeling that way if they just put up and shut up?
  16. N

    Which accents do you like / find attractive?

  17. N

    Gang jump gay police trainee

    Being visually stimulated by sexual acts could be an evolved mental function, intended to help stimulate and help harmonize reproduction cycles.
  18. N

    Head transplants?

    Personally I would say any form of procedure that leads to life enhancement or extension has or would have a huge ethical pricetag on the end of it. A cure for AIDS would be great right, but only 1% of the world who need it if even that would get it because only they can pay for it. If you...
  19. N

    ACTUAL KFC SIGN IN Ridgeville SC.

  20. N

    casual abortion

    Generally I agree with most of what you've written at the start, as you've explained it. I think you missed out a key point in the quantum decay, which is the role of measurement/observation. The particle doesn't just decay with some probability, it will exist in the states of 'has decayed' and...