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  1. M

    Bitcoin . Is it the answer to the debt creating Fed ?

    Shovel Ready ; A dollar invested in 2009 is worth $ 43,000 . I wish I was that " dumb enough to invest " . Bill ; Getting rid of the Fed is the hard part . An alternative currency IS the answer . It's commodity backed and can't be printed unless they add to the commodity fund . It is created...
  2. M

    Huge Earthquake in New Zealand!

    Just because European soccer pro's are pussies doesn't mean you have to bash soccer.
  3. M

    Hey small talk,

  4. M

    Quiz Time! Is this verse from the Bible or is it from the Quran?

    The answer : That is proof positive that the " religious " texts were authored by man and not the Word of an all loving God .
  5. M

    Girl who just got permit dies in wreck with cement truck, mom dies also.

    Oh man, I've had similar experiences with this but I'm pretty sure I could criminally charged if someone on here read it and knew me so I'll leave it secret. I'll PM you though.
  6. M

    When is Mitt Romney going to do more than act like he's a newspaper gossip...

    That is all that jackal has Ed . The details of the Ryan budget he supports are there for the reading and he would be crushed if he started telling them . 5 trillion in ADDITIONAL tax cuts to the wealthy is not my idea of " marvelous " . 2 trillion in infrastructure spending would be far...
  7. M

    Mormonism , religion or Joseph Smith propaganda ?

    His claims to have translated Egyptian hieroglyphs has been completely debunked as false .
  8. M

    Hannity claims that he Dems had the tape of Obama hugging Harvard professor Bell ...?

    " under lock and key " . 2 questions : 1. Was he asleep all of 2008 when PBS and ABC aired the tape or just lying again ? 2. Does he really call making false claims about a man now dead for over a year journalism ? What a hack !
  9. M

    Being mediocre at everything-Not having a passion

    I saw a news clip of that earlier today. I'm not a big fan of being in an environment I have little control in so you can imagine how I feel about getting in strange waters. I tend to keep away from depths I can't touch with my feet and have my head above water when it comes to salt water...
  10. M

    The greeting that Santorum gets ( the boooos ) in N.H. , is that a local custom?

    Or is that just reserved for empty air heads that can't answer the question of a 17 year old girl ? @ Di : Gay marriage has nothing to do with polygamy . @ Di : the problem is when a candidate isn't smart enough to separate the issues and just muddies the water with nonsense . If you need...
  11. M

    In the 2 months the occupy deadbeats have been whining about social...

    15.6 million people out of work . Real unemployment at 18.5 % . Your thoughts ? Why not lay off the double dipping government vermin to make jobs for the youth ?
  12. M

    Does anybody else laugh as hard as I do when I look at the Republican field?

    The real tragedy is amongst the circus is the best candidate for we the people , Ron Paul .
  13. M

    If I watch Fow news every day attend every meeting in church read...

    Not until you are de - programed .
  14. M

    How do you get two of every Animal on a boat?

    Years of boat building And some sort of whistle I guess .
  15. M

    Why do all sides in politics want the keystone XL tar sands pipeline to be built?

    There are those who do not support the pipeline . There is evidence the temporary jobs are not worth the long time risks . They should refine the oil in Canada then build a transmission line . Refining that oil sand is far different than crude oil .
  16. M

    Teabaggers laughed when asked to tone down the rhetoric, now they expect others to...

    Teabaggers also cheered when they announced Perry's record on capital punishment .