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  1. M

    What to buy my mom for christmas?

    Idk what to get mine either, Ima go to the store and wander around until I see something lol.
  2. M

    The truth about size zero.

    My perception of eating disorders is that they are the expression of a much deeper emotional problem that actually has little to do with a comparison to how celebrities look. Not least because the cases I have read about (and in one instance, interacted personally with the individual) make it...
  3. M

    Are you comfertable with your sexuality?

    Its a more mature word than "jerkface." :rolleyes:
  4. M

    to all you americans!

    Hehe, my stepdad takes the dog to work, don't EVER let him hear you call him a redneck though, 'cause he WILL kill you if you try it. That website was SAD Bob. REALLY sad.
  5. M

    Guy Tears Coyote In Half On Bike *Gore*

    i know a guy that hit a deer and just about cut it in it half. he was doing like 150kph or some thing.
  6. M

    American medicine system

    There are some safety nets: Medicare (for age 65 and older) Medicaid (for poor and disabled)
  7. M

    UK government moves to block pope arrest on visit

    Just like the good old days. When do we get to ransack the churches?
  8. M

    The MAP edited pics thread.

    my first attempt at using fireworks: sorry its so huge, its also my first attempt at adding a pic to a post a possible chat pop-up?
  9. M

    Gordon Ramsay fence?

    Jamie Oliver isn't that bad. Or Heston Blumenthal.
  10. M

    BLASTER Worm Virus

    Ah. Still, how are they gonna know whether you're a legit Uni student or not?
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    Northern Rock Bonus

    Is it the same management team though? I'd be very surprised if there weren't any changes in the transition. If they met their targets I don't see any reason why senior management shouldn't get the same bonus, it's a hell of a lot better than the companies where senior management get 50%...
  12. M

    snowed in. wat to do?

    Went to a party, got drunk & high, ate ramens, stole food and got away. Sick night :tup:
  13. M

    I don't feel safe in my own home. Help please?

    my mom is the exact same way&I've never seen my dad before (he abandoned us before i was born) so u can imagine how crazy my mom gets when she's upset and wants to take it out on someone. But u know what? life's unfair sometimes, there's only two things u can do 1) put up with it, do what...
  14. M

    sneak into neighbors and aunts house and do things!!!???!!!?

    wtf. u need to get some help.
  15. M

    sneak into neighbors and aunts house and do things!!!???!!!?

    wtf. u need to get some help.
  16. M

    A 24hour news channel for South Africa?

    We have that Sout Africa today Channel on SABC but it's not 24 hours yet. I think it is a good idea but then the reports are so warped... in retrospect, we might get more accurate news as most of it would be live and unedited.
  17. M

    Does anyone else think NRA people are paranoid??

    I think you are paranoid.
  18. M

    Scary, I know but do you think the Psychic, Nostradamus actually predicted this Presidential election?

    Scary, I know but do you think the Psychic, Nostradamus actually predicted this Presidential election? That is scarey....i wish there was some way i could hear it, thats interesting.....people better wake up, we all know whats gonna happen, the world will never be the same....and when it does i...
  19. M

    Did Rev. Jeremiah Wright's comments kill Obama's campaign?

    news outlets bought dvd's of the pastors sermons from 7 years nice to see the mud sling, from Clinton, media, and McCain..teflon man will be ready come August.
  20. M

    Can you believe Obama's words that he turns to pastor Wright for spiritual advise not political in 20 years?

    Can you believe Obama's words that he turns to pastor Wright for spiritual advise not political in 20 years? I'm torn on this one.I don't think that Obama truly thought the US was asking for 9/11, nor do I think he wanted people to die the way they did. I don't think he's quite so radical.On...