Search results

  1. P

    chunk from the "goonies"

    chunk from the "goonies" Hey Lily, as a child did you start dinner with a main course or did you just go straight to the rocky road ice cream?
  2. P

    Tabacco products.

    DAMN STRAIGHT I DIP. Nice choice in the grizz straight up there, my favorite dip.
  3. P

    What's the high and low temperature in your area?

    It can be 40°c and -40°c. Thats 80°c difference biznatch. And yes, i do live in Canada. Thats for this week:
  4. P

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Hey, at least you don't have some ginger making squinty eyed jokes around you all time.... (We know each other real life )
  5. P

    What Are The Police For?

    Ah well, that's alright then; it's not like history is rife with examples of people circumventing or outright breaking the oaths they'd sworn, right? Right?
  6. P

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

  7. P

    I cant believe this is happening

    When I first read that title I thought that you had discovered you were pregnant.
  8. P


    Try a "fingertip french drop" much easier IMHO. Here is an old Lennart Green routine. Lennart Green - Laser - YouTube
  9. P

    CD vs Vinyl.

    CD's are plain more convenient nowadays Vinyl, though, for certain music, just has a better feel to it (in my opinion). For example, I don't think I could enjoy old blues or jazz classics that have only been done on vinyl as much if I don't hear that great crackle it has in the background from...
  10. P

    How many five year olds could you fight?

    I got 23. I thinkmy lack of height and "real life" mosh pit experience got me.
  11. P

    Evolution: An Inconveniant Truth

    Trust me, I'm with you all the way. Misrepresented science makes me . Bull_ with a catchy qualitative side that people can use to back up random misogyny/racism/etc , spreads like bloody wildfire. Very irritating. Intriguingly I saw something recently that said blondes were a sexually...
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  13. P

    ok st i need your help

    really..........u have urself figured out
  14. P

    Soccer = SOCIALISM

    Exhibit B: YouTube- Atheist Nightmare
  15. P

    The Buffalo Theory.

    good theory. well tested hypothesis indeed.
  16. P

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Ava: 7/10 WAS a fan of the simpsons not anymore Sig: 8.54- its true (I gots to stop typing ) latest sig (for me, I'll keep changing it if you all can't see it )
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    Melbourne Fires

    it's second on my list after getting eaten to death
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    WaWa FTMFW
  19. P

    Did you know Calcium can help you lose weight?

    You thought wrong..