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  1. S

    how many songs has roger daltrey ever written?

    With the Who, Daltrey wrote two songs himself ("See My Way", "Here for More") and collaborated with Townshend on a third ("Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere"). He also collaborated with one David "Cyrano" Langston on one more Who song, "Early Morning Cold Taxi", which was never released. In his solo...
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    Mark Knopfler vs. Roger Waters?

    Go see Waters, at least he'll put on a spectacle. Knopfler will put you to sleep.
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    BitTorrent help. Seeds?

    A "seed" is a person with a complete file available for sharing. 25(12590) means 25 seeds are online, out of 12590 total seeds. (Which is a very strange number actually; that's an awful lot of offline seeds) The more online seeds there are, the faster the download. There's nothing you can do...
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    Is Roger Waters a Douchebag?

    Why the dig at McCartney? Considering his stature, he's a fairly normal, down to earth person. As for Waters, he used to get pissed at the audience a lot, and his own band stopped talking to him. But I have nothing against the guy. Frankly, Dave Gilmour is kind of a douche too, sometimes...
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    Buy or Sell: David Gilmour > Roger Waters?

    Depends on what you need them to do. Play an instrument? Gilmour. Write lyrics? Waters. I'll go with sell overall. For better *and* worse, Waters was more of the architect of the band's style in the post-Barrett years. Gilmour was more of an architect than Waters will ever admit, but...
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    Whats a vinyl record suppose to sound like, I just bought one and it doesn't...

    For one thing, because a vinyl record is analog and not digital, it is not missing information. An mp3 is a lossy format; it samples pieces of the music but does not capture it all. A good quality mp3 (192kps or above, 320kps if you have superduper ears) will sound pretty good, and your brain...
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    9 random questions about some musicians (rock and alt rock)?

    1- What are your thoughts on Morissey's personality? I don't care much about "personality" in music. Morrissey has both likable and dislikable traits. 2- What's the greatest quality of Jim Morisson in your opinion? His ability to consume LSD. When he switched to booze, it was all downhill...