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  1. C

    Poll: which side dish do you like best:?

    Mashed potatoes! :)
  2. C

    Christmas Duck Recipes. We have bought a small duck for Christmas this year?

    Duck is great! It's even better with blackberry sauce ;) I use this recipe for the sauce when I make roast duck: (Note: I just use regular pancake syrup when I don't have maple, I use chicken stock rather than a mix...
  3. C

    What is/was your grandma's special dish?

    My grandma is bad at cooking :3 Frozen pizza is her specialty.
  4. C

    Whats your favorite goulash recipe?

    Ta-dah :) Or
  5. C

    easy red velvet cake recipe please?

    I've made this one before; it was easy to bake and was delicious :) Best of luck!
  6. C

    Any good cookie recipes with no chocolate chips?

    Peanut butter cookies! 1 cup peanut butter (your choice, smooth or chunky) 1 cup granulated sugar 1 large egg sugar, for rolling (optional) Directions: 1Mix together until smooth.2Drop by teaspoon onto cookie sheet two inches apart. If desired, roll in extra sugar before placing on cookie...