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  1. M

    Why are wasting your lives arguing in this section if were all gonna die?

    Hey, remember when Atheists kept quiet and allowed religion to control everything and spout un-rebutted propaganda? I think it was called the Dark Ages.
  2. M

    Do muslims have a sense of humour?

    Yeah, I had this Muslim friend in my high school chemistry class who would never stop with the jokes - it was really distracting! But imagine that Muslims from impoverished, war torn countries wouldn't have much of a sense of humour.
  3. M

    why should my rights be restricted because of somebody else's religion?

    Your rights shouldn't be restricted. It's hilarious when someone tries to make a pseudo secular argument against gay marriage. All of this 'sanctity of marriage' nonsense seems like pointless semantics to me.
  4. M

    Who else thinks life is a big joke?

    Life is a big joke mainly because we are able to think so abstractly that we can ponder the existence of existence itself but we also retain natures so primal that we are no different from animals in many circumstances. I see this as the ultimate irony and PROOF that, if there is a God, he is...
  5. M

    Would Christians accept vicarious punishment a reasonable thing in

    non-Biblical contexts? After days of research, I've come to the conclusion that Christians believe that Jesus lived a perfect life and was therefore an ample sacrifice to serve as the payment for original sin. This seems conceptually unfair to me. Let's say someone was being tried for the...
  6. M

    If I invented a religion with a Heaven 1000x better than Christian Heaven?

    And a Hell 1000x worse than the Christian Hell, then would Pascal's wager not then obligate you to subscribe to it instead of Christianity? After all, the argument is based on avoiding risk. I have just given you more to lose/gain by inventing this religion. (In the description of this...
  7. M

    As you can see from my previous posts, that is how brainwashed Christian...

    To some extent I agree. But many people have shown that indoctrination can be overcome.
  8. M

    Are you tempted to purchase the Criss Angel Levitation instructional DVD?

    No, not at all. But I would by the "How to yell 'mind freak' really loudly and intensely" manual if he put that up for sale.
  9. M

    Did you know that world peace and love are a reality in Christ?

    Well it sounds like this Jesus fellow is quite the character!
  10. M

    Why christian act like sheep, they act like sheep, yes?

    And they call ME brainwashed.
  11. M

    Do you understand that denying your sins only ensures you will lose eternal life?

    Eternal life = most unattractive concept ever invented by man.
  12. M

    Christians, do you believe in secular government?

    The first amendment should protect people's beliefs and allow them to practice them (as long as they aren't hurting anyone) freely. But do you think that religion should stay out of politics for the most part?
  13. M

    Does occasional self deprecating humour do good to protect you from ridicule?

    If you aren't someone who takes them self overly seriously, then what does someone have to gain from making fun of you? I think a lot of people need to joke around about themselves more if they want to avoid occasional ball busting. You feel me?