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  1. DrDeanCrosby

    How are you making the shift as a Christian from...self-centered to Christ centered?

    Technically it is not Jesus who helps people accomplish this essential transition into moral maturity but rather His Holy Spirit in a miracle experience called the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit." When God answers prayers by sending His Holy Spirit to people it is an amazing,life-changing and...
  2. DrDeanCrosby

    Is budda the most peaceful religion?

    Buddhism has some good teachings,most specifically on peace which incidentally you will soon see the new Catholic Pope emphasizing. :applause:However Buddhism is more of a philosophy rather than a religion because it merely accepts the teachings of a dead guru :lick ice: rather than worshipping...
  3. DrDeanCrosby

    Spiritually Speaking: If you KNEW one religion was right over the others, would...

    Most Christians would answer this question by saying "why me?" Mark 16:15 15 And then He (Jesus) told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone". Although it is impossible for all to act as evangelists,all can financially support evangelistic ministries.:applause:
  4. DrDeanCrosby

    How are there Jews who don't follow Judaism and Muslims who don't follow Islam?

    The truth of the matter is that very few Christians accept or are even aware of Jesus' teachings because of their failure to read the Bible.Want proof?Go to any church in your area and as members of the congregation leave after listening to another warm and fuzzy sermon ask as many as you can...
  5. DrDeanCrosby

    Is it ok for celibate gay Christians to wear a rainbow necklace or bracelet?

    The problem is that most homosexuals are in violation of the teachings of all major religions.Why don't you start a new moral trend by designing a bracelet showing that you practice celibacy.:applause:
  6. DrDeanCrosby

    I love all religions !!!?

    Love is terrific but it is impossible to "love all of Islam, Christianity and Judaism" because the Muslim holy book teaches that Christians and Jews who do not convert to Islam should be murdered.:stop glass: Notice the word "were" in the Koran's quoted passage: "who were :mad: Jews or...
  7. DrDeanCrosby

    Why do atheists and christians battle on what is true?

    Trying to force beliefs on people of course makes no sense and just leads to hateful confrontations.:clubbing: However Jesus was sent to the earth to teach the truth about God and His veracity must be acknowledged. John 14:6 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life...
  8. DrDeanCrosby

    Why do Christians get upset when...?

    This is an absurd and deceitful description of the New Testament which is filled with love and forgiveness,only threatening punishment for those who reject and of course publish libelous statements about God.:mad:
  9. DrDeanCrosby

    If Christ jumped you at a bar and pulled a gun on you, would you acknowledge him...

    Must be just another person pretending to be a Christian.Unlike just-pretending Christians,Jesus does not believe in violence.Guess those tooth fairy folk don't read the Bible?:( Matthew 26:52 52 “Put away your sword,” Jesus told him. “Those who use the sword will die by the...
  10. DrDeanCrosby

    Why is it that whenever there's anything that has to do with religion?

    Satan is the father of atheism.He hates Christians :mad: and he goes to senseless extremes to attack them.Obviously if Christanity was a false religion he wouldn't waste his time attacking it which is why you don't see atheists attack Islam which now is the fastest growing religion in the world.
  11. DrDeanCrosby

    Do people acutally believe in god?

    You are completely correct in your assessment.The entire world is now preparing to "move on",away from God and toward the teachings of the False Prophet and Anti-Christ.:mad: Something to do with the return of Christ.:applause:
  12. DrDeanCrosby

    is the condom acceptable in the protestant christian churches?

    There are no Bible teachings on the use of condoms and therefore public health advice should be followed.Not so for pre-martial intercourse however. Galatians 5:19-21 19 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful...
  13. DrDeanCrosby

    Why do other people (like my parents, or other christians) not ask

    Sorry that you have been given false information.All of the practices you mention were Old Testament teachings for an ancient society.None of them were taught by Jesus and therefore Christians do not have to follow them.One more example of the liberating nature of Christianity !:applause:
  14. DrDeanCrosby

    Are evangelicals anti-Christs?

    This looks like a commentary on hypocrisy.Here is a secret I've learned;the same conservative mindset that makes many religious also drives them to ignore Jesus' teachings some of which are revolutionary.Want proof? Ask religious persons what they think of war.The vast majority of them...
  15. DrDeanCrosby

    What is it exactly.. The gospel of Jesus Christ?

    The gospel message is spelled out in the New Testament.You really need to read all of it,its only a couple hundred pages long.Much more important than video games! :close look:
  16. DrDeanCrosby

    Who else is hoping the new Pope will choose Lando as his Pope-name?

    Sorry,Catholic prophecy states that the church's last Pope will be named Peter II.:stop glass:
  17. DrDeanCrosby

    Proof christianity, islam and judaism?

    Many of the rituals in Judaism were dropped by Jesus.According to the Christian faith it is impossible to earn entry into heaven.It is a gift that Jesus grants to those whom have entered into a close relationship with His Holy Spirit.Christianity flourishes in church which host the miracle power...
  18. DrDeanCrosby

    Christians, which of these does your God think is more wrong?

    I doubt that God will waste His time :lick ice:trying to figure out which is the more grievous.Unless repented for both are sins that send people to hell so it really doesn't make any difference.
  19. DrDeanCrosby

    how do you know what God has called you to do(christians please answer)?

    When God answers you there will be no question in your mind that the answer is from Him.He makes Himself known! It's important to ask God to tell you how He wants you to serve Him.Your divorced lifestyle now puts you in an excellent position to do that.Congradulations! 1 Corinthians 7:32-35...
  20. DrDeanCrosby

    The one thing that makes you believe in god?

    The presence of the Holy Spirit in my life which creates miracles.A few days ago I prayed for a girl with an incurable and medically untreatable condition.Due to a birth defect she had no cartilage in her back and this caused disks to continually rub against each other.The resultant continual...