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  1. L

    What is "you seem like an interesting girl" suppose to mean?

    I've been talking to this guy from class recently, and we traded numbers for a group project were working on. Today he text me asking if I was on facebook and that said "you seem like an interesting girl". What does that mean in guy speak? Is it cheesy or is he just trying to play it cool?
  2. L

    Would this story setting be interesting?

    I recently though of a new idea for a short story. I don't have the whole plot figured out yet, but its set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world. The story would follow a group of kids/teens in a small town a little while from a larger city. It is set on an island/small continent, however the...
  3. L

    Can I use a glass dish instead of a metal baking sheet to bake cookies?

    I'm baking cookies for a potluck, but after getting back from the store I realized I have no metal baking pan. I have a glass casserole dish though that's about the same size. Would that work? I was thinking maybe I could line it with tin foil if needed. Suggestions?
  4. L

    Is my prologue interesting (10 points) please give me feed back, good or bad!?

    Breaking it up into paragraphs would make it a whole lot easier to read. Overall, the writing is not necessarily bad, but there's not action going on. It's just one long description that rambles on. I feel like it's alot longer than it needs to be. After reading it, I feel like I don't know...
  5. L

    Would you be interested in this story idea?

    I recently strted writing a new story. I'm not entirely sure about it though. Does it sound interesting? It is hundreds of years after an unspecified world collapse and the world has devolved into chaos. Most of it is mostly rural, very basic education/technology, very religious, and large...
  6. L

    Help naming a character?

    I'm writing a story, but I've having trouble thinking of names for a supporting character. Heres a description of her: 17 year old African American female tall, thin/willow-y, elegant soft spoken, quiet but not necessarily shy is an only child plays tennis and sometimes track upper middle...
  7. L

    Would you be interested in this story idea?

    I recently strted writing a new story. I'm not entirely sure about it though. Does it sound interesting? It is hundreds of years after an unspecified world collapse and the world has devolved into chaos. Most of it is mostly rural, very basic education/technology, very religious, and large...
  8. L

    Does this story idea sound interesting?

    I'm thinking about writing a short story. It's set in the future, after a world order collapse. The elite have created a "safe zone", with a few large cities and the surrounding small towns within a protected wall surrounding the country (like the wall of china). Outside of the wall, there is...