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  1. C

    Is science a more reliable source to know about the world than religion and

    Sure, when you get down to it science is the seach for truth. Religion is is about faith, which is about believeing in somthing that has no truth
  2. C

    Why are the Abrahamic religions the only ones that have a hatred for all other Gods?

    Well lets see. they all worship a god that kills millions on a whim, wants his followers to kill people, enslave little girls and force little girls to marry their could they not be evil murderous and hate-filled
  3. C

    Isn't it weired for an atheist to be in a religion?

    I know plenty of atheists and none of them are part of a religion. Although buddhists aren't really a religion as they have no god (most at least), it is really just a system of beliefs
  4. C

    Why do Christians criticize....?

    Christians just hate, it has nothing to do with reality, they are born and bred to follow, their leader tells them who to hate, and they full on hate them. Look at gays, christians are insane about gays. There is no real reason for them to hate but that's what they are good at
  5. C

    Is the ego the reason people reject Christ and ridicule his followers?

    Yeah, read genesis and see what a fool you are
  6. C

    For those of you who broke away from religion, how difficult was it to do...

    I was never really comfortable with religion even as a kid, but people seemed eager to give their own lives or kill others over religion so I figured I better find out whats up. I read the bible front to made no sense it seemed insane so I read it again, after that I was officially an...
  7. C

    without religion, would there be peace one earth?

    Just look at all the hate they show here
  8. C

    Can someone psychic, prophetic or intuitive tell me about my romantic future?

    You'll find someone and they will give you herpes then leave you for someone you hate
  9. C

    Are religious people scared to argue with atheists?

    We do in fact rock...its been a rough week for theist, steven hawking, that crazy live birthing lizard.